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Ex 513. A. Read and translate the sentences Comment on the form function of the Infinitives

1. To get daily updated news,to be in the know just slip through the net and you are on the Internet. 2. Aunt Louise whirled around to greet me. 3. We didn't tell him the whole truth not to discourage him. 4.1 ran back to my room to collect my belongings. 5. Tony's father died of pneumonia when he was nine. His mother, a seamstress, struggled to raise three children on her own. 6. Unable to make such a decision alone I asked my brother for help. 7. The clock buzzes to tell you when to get up. 8. Most Islanders have at least two jobs to earn enough to cope with the sky-high prices. 9. You don't have to be a genius to understand it. 10. When in Paris we went to a wonderful restaurant to enjoy an open-air meal. 11. To overcome the problems that face each one of us — and no life is problem-free — it is crucial to have a plan to live by. 12. He opened his mouth to say something, but then changed his mind. 13. They had come to attend the party. 14. So sensational was the news that the entire class jumped out of their seats to have a really good look. 15. He remained silent for a few moments to allow

her to compose herself. 16. If the state borrows heavily to rebuild the economy, the Central Bank will keep monetary policy tight. 17.1 popped into the snack bar to buy a soda.

B. Complete the following sentences.

1. This car is designed.... 2. The mayor cut the ribbon... 3. It took all her strength.... 4. The young man works hard.... 5. You don't have to be a genius... 6. She has only to say "yes".... 7. Keep your mouth shut.... 8. She spoke more slowly.... 9. She sipped her tea....

Ex. 514. Complete the sentences using to or for.

I.She opened the file... look for the necessary information. 2. She scanned the text... the needed data. 3. The family went to Paris... a short visit. 4. The Parkers went to Bath... visit the distant relatives. 5. Every evening she takes long walks... relax. 6. It's good to take long walks... relaxation. 7. I'm going to University... a good education. 8. I'm going to University... get knowledge. 9. My kids aren't going to school just... have fun. 10. Charlie has done it just... fun. 11.1 went to the store... some bread and cheese. 12. Mum has gone to the store... get some milk. 13.1 turned on the radio... listen to the news. 14.1 listened to the radio... news about the weather. 15. In this country we wear fur coats in the winter... keep us warm. 16.1 have put on this sheepskin coat... warmth. 17.1 had a long stroll... boom my appetite.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 848 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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