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Demonstrative Pronouns

Ex. 112. Make the following sentences plural.

1. This is a new dictionary. 2. That is my file. 3. Is this your disk? 4. That was not my idea. 5. That man is a busker. 6. Give me that letter please. 7. That was a good time. 8. We'll never forget that year. 9. This computer is mine, and that one is my co-worker's. 10. They lived in that place for many years. 11. This incident is rather strange. 12. Can you see that man? 13. Who is that woman? 14. This child is being difficult today. 15. Was that an old or a new edition? 16. This information is top secret. 17. That year was a lucky one. 18. That fax r was for you. 19. This advice is very timely. 20. That money was for him, not for us. 21. Look at the pictures, my boy! This is a sheep and that is a deer. 22. This is a golden fish.

Ex. 113. Use the right form of the pronouns this or that.

I.... gloves are of the best quality. 2. I'll sign all the papers... morning. 3. — We can meet at 10.30. —... will be fine. 4.... was a really terrible air crash last week. 5. Think of all... people who need our help. 6.... particular ' students are extremely bright. 7.... is something one

has to consider. 8.1 don't think very much... days. 9. "... way, sir." 10.1 am sorry to barge on you like.... II.... whole business worries me. 12. The prices... days are absolutely astronomical. 13.... was a wrong thing to do. 14. Any chance of you getting away... summer? 15.... was ages ago! 16. — It's a difficult area to get jobs in! — Yes,... 's true. 17.... dress we saw in the shop-window was from Paris. 18. They discussed... events at the briefing. 19. — Who was calling? —... was Freddie. 20. People were helpless against nature in... ages. 21. These pictures remind me of you, especially... one.

Ex. 114. Translate into English

1. На этой неделе у меня будет очень много дел. 2. Нам хотелось бы поблагодарить тех людей, которые помога­ли и поддерживали нас. 3. — Кто будет осуществлять все эти проекты? — Эти специалисты. 4. — Здрав­ствуйте, можно к телефону Машу? — Кто ее спраши­вает? — Это Дима. 5. Уверена, что этот план сработает. 6. Эти дети точно сведут меня с ума. Они опять дерут­ся. 7. Положи это яблоко и возьми лучше то, оно сла­ще. 8. — Кто это звонил тебе? — Это была бабушка. 9. Те люди около стойки бара — популярные певцы. 10. Вы читали эти сведения? 11. Эти деньги принадле­жат Андрею. 12. Эта одежда очень дорогая. 13. Кото­рая твоя дискета: эта или та? 14. Эта музыка меня рас­слабляет. 15. — Какие туфли ты все-таки выберешь: те или эти? — Думаю, эта пара мне подойдет. 16. Те хризантемы, которые вы подарили мне, были чудесные.

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