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Text 2.The Spit of Vasilevsky Island and the University Embankment

Vasilevsky Island, the largest of the islands in the Neva Delta, was developed according to a strict building plan. In 1710 Peter decided to make it the center of his newly built capital as he had envisioned that the center of St. Petersburg would eventually move to this area, and he wanted it to be both orderly and aesthetically pleasing. The first center of the city on Berezovy (now Petrogradsky) Island was anything but orderly, built to accommodate the workers. Most of the houses were made of timber; the crooked streets were lined with houses covered with clay and daub.

Having decided to move the center of the city to Vasilevsky Island, Peter wanted to create beautiful quays that would impress everyone arriving by boat. His idea was to build a new harbor on the cape of Vasilevsky Island from which visitors could view both Peter and Paul Fortress and the palaces on the opposite bank of the Neva. His plan included straight streets and prospects that would form wide squares and a network of canals. It was a tremendous plan for an “ideal” city-fortress, but it did not take into account the meanderings of the Neva River nor did it make allowances that the General Architect’s ideas were ahead of their time.

The dominant structure, the Stock Exchange, was the first building erected here. It reminds an ancient Greek temple installed on a high pedestal. Gently sloping ramps led down to the Neva, and huge stone balls were installed very close to the water. At both sides of the Stock Exchange building there were warehouses and the Customs House. The warehouses accommodate the Zoological Museum now, the Stock Exchange houses the Naval Museum and the former Customs House is occupied by the Institute of Russian Literature, the Pushkin House.

The twin Rostral Columns standing out against the Stock Exchange were installed between 1805 and 1810. These enormous columns once served as lighthouses; directing the ships entering the Neva. Until 1837 there was a port there and for a long time this was one of the busiest parts of the city. In the second half of the 19th century the commercial port moved closer to the Gulf of Finland, and the Rostral Columns lost their utility.

During the reign of Alexander I the eastern end of Vasilevsky Island was greatly changed. The idea to turn the Spit into the main square of Petersburg belonged to Peter, but it was only at the beginning of the 18th century that a unique architectural ensemble was created there.

In 1722 the first architectural competition was announced inviting to submit plans for the newly established “ Petrine Colleges ”. The Colleges were the twelve administrative departments that formed the state organization established by Peter. They were reorganized into ministries at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1819 St. Petersburg University took control of the buildings, and many Russians have made this educational institution famous.

The construction of Kunstkamera (the Curiosity Chamber) started in 1718 and was over in 1734. First, the private collections of Peter the Great were exhibited in this building – rare stones, stuffed exotic animals and anatomical preparations. Until the late 18th century this building was the seat of the Academy of Sciences, and Mikhail Lomonosov, the founder of the Academy, worked there from 1741 to 1765.

The main façade of the Academy of Arts overlooks the Neva embankment. The idea of establishing a Russian artistic school belonged to Peter the Great but it was realized only partly at his time. After Peter’s death it became the first institution in Russia where architects, painters, and sculptors could study fine arts. This huge, imposing building was erected near the palace of the first Governor General of St. Petersburg. Striking in its size, the building stands out among other palaces that line the embankments of the Neva. Features of “Russian classicism” were used here for the first time.

The graduates of the Academy of Arts deserved the world-wide recognition: Oleg Kiprensky, Karl Bryullov, Ivan Ayvazovsky, Ilya Repin, Valentin Serov, Andrey Voronikhin and many others were among them.

A “ templeof science was also erected on the University Embankment near the Kunstkamera. Many gifted and faithful associates helped to raise Catherine II’s ideas to turn Russia into a powerful European country. In 1783 Catherine appointed Catherine Dashkova Director of the Academy of Sciences. With the Empress’s support Dashkova did much for the development of Russian science. She increased the book collection of the Academy’s library, sponsored scientific expeditions to all parts of Russia, and it was on her initiative that a new Russian Academy was created.

Opposite the Academy of Arts there is a granite pier. On the upper terrace there are bronze lamps, the lower terrace is decorated with two Egyptian sphinxes on high pedestals. The sphinxes are a thousand years older than the Neva. They were found in ancient Thebes, the ancient capital of Egypt. They were bought by Russia in 1831, and since that time the mysterious mythological creatures have become a notable symbol of the Northern capital.

Commentary: to envision – предвидеть; eventually – со временем; orderly and aesthetically – привлекательный с эстетическойt точки зрения и с точки зрения планировки; timber – лес (строительный); clay – глина; daub [do:b] – штукатурка из строительного раствора и соломы; quay [ki:]– причал; meandering [mi' nd ri ]– извилистый, извивающийся; to make allowances – принимать во внимание; warehouse – торговый склад, пакгауз; Customs House – здание таможни; lighthouse – маяк; stuffed animals – чучела животных; fine arts – изобразительные искусства; imposing – производящий сильное впечатление; импозантный; Thebes [] – г. Фивы; granite pier – гранитная пристань; ancient – древний, античный

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 316 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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