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Text 3. History of Russia / Soviet Union

Read the text using a dictionary, if necessary.

During the 16-th – 18th centuries the Russian Empire was expanded from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. Modernization and Westernization were begun under Peter the Great, who established St. Petersburg as a modern, cosmopolitan city in the early 1700’s. Russia developed many contacts with Western Europe in the 18th century, but remained somewhat “backwards” by comparison. It retained an autocratic government long after democratic elements had been introduced into many other European governments, serfs were not liberated and feudalism was still practiced into the late 1800’s, and industrialization was almost nonexistent. Economic problems in the cities and growing peasant dissatisfaction during the 19th century led to a revolt against the Tsar in 1905, a revolt, which was brutally repressed. Although reforms were attempted during the next decade, the tsarist government proved unable to provide good leadership and in February 1917, the Tsar abdicated under pressure from the parliament. Members of parliament then established a Provisional Government, and attempted to gain the support of the workers and peasants, but because of the World War and other economic problems was unable to provide the masses with any of the three things they most wanted: “peace, land, and bread”. The radical political party, the Communists, used this slogan to gain enough popular support to be able to overthrow the Provisional Government in October 1917, in what became known as the “October Revolution”. The Bolshevik wing of the Communists then staged a civil war to solidify their ideology by ousting their rivals, primarily the Menshevik Communists and remaining monarchists, and incorporated several other states into their new Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1922. Industrialization and agricultural improvements were begun immediately, but after the first few years, it became clear that the early ideals of the Revolution were being abandoned. The focus of industrial production was on military and defense production, not the consumer goods that many had hoped would raise the standard of living. Many peasants and farmers expected to have their own farms after their landlords were driven off, but were forced instead onto inefficient communal farms. A command economy, in which central ministries located in Moscow set annual economic goals for every farm and factory was instituted to force a rapid rate of development. To ensure commitment to the system, severe punishments were created to silence anyone who publicly opposed the decisions of the central government. By the 1970’s, it was clear that it was impossible to run a country the size of the Soviet Union by decree from a single city, but reform seemed impossible, as no one was willing to publicly admit that there were problems with the system – a punishable offense. Finally, the government was forced to increase some freedoms and shift some production to consumer goods in the 1980’s, when the standard of living became clearly deficient and reform became impossible to avoid. The republics were also given greater autonomy over economic and political decisions, but the rise in nationalism in many of the republics and complete frustration with the Soviet system led to its being thrown out in late 1991and replaced by sovereign government in each of the Republics. Russia itself declared independence from the Soviet Union on July 24, 1991. cosmopolitan – космополит; космополитический to retain – сохранять autocrat – самодержец, автократ autocratic – 1) властный, деспотичный; 2) самодержавный ser f- 1) крепостной; 2) раб revolt – восстание, мятеж to abdicate – отрекаться, слагать полномочия to solidify – зд. утвердить to oust – вытеснять; занимать чье-либо место to incorporate – объединять; включать в состав to abandon – отказаться от consumer goods – потребительские товары command economy – централизованно-управляемая экономика annual – ежегодный, годовой rate – темп, ход, скорость commitment – зд. преданность, приверженность, доверие decree – приказ; постановление; решение punishable offence – заслуживающий наказания проступок, нарушение, преступление deficient – зд. очень низкий (недостаточный) frustration – расстройство (планов); крушение надежд; разочарование to throw out – изгонять; отвергать

I. Give the English equivalents for the following trying NOT to consult the dictionary.

При Петре 1; по сравнению; недовольство; жестоко подавить; Временное правительство; лозунг; развязать войну; военная и оборонная промышленность; уровень жизни; помещик (землевладелец); ставить экономические задачи; быстрые темпы развития; управлять страной; дать больше свобод; самостоятельность при принятии экономических и политических решений; суверенные республики; объявить независимость.

II. Explain either in English or in Russian how you understand such notions (понятия) as Westernization, cosmopolitan, an autocratic government, authoritarian rule, autonomy, a radical political party, standard of living, industrialization, modernization and nationalism.

To help you cope with the task read their English explanations and try to match them with the terms given above:

- supporting or requiring obedience to authority, especially that of the State;

- used about a place where people from many different countries and cultures live;

- government by a ruler with unlimited power, country with a government of this kind;

- favouring complete reforms, advanced in opinions and politics;

- a situation in which a state, region, or organization is independent and has the power to govern itself;

- the change of something by introducing American or Western European culture, values, or technology;

- the process of modernizing something; bringing up to date;

- the process of developing industries or making them more modern;

- the wish for political independence of people with the same language, culture, history; patriotic feelings, efforts, principles; movement for political independence;

- the type of life that a person or society has according to the amount of money they have.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What was the role of Peter the Great in the history of Russia?

2. Why did Russia remain somewhat “backwards” as compared to European


3. What were the reasons for the 1905 revolt?

4. How did the Bolsheviks come to power?

5. What were the peculiarities of Russia’s economic development soon after

the October revolution?

6. How can you characterize the command economy?

7. What happened in late 1991?

IV. Speak on the following mini-topics:

a) The Reasons that Caused the October Revolution

b) The Formation of the Soviet Union

c) Command Economy

d) The Collapse of the Soviet Union

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 408 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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