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Employment History

The most serious error (13) made by many candidates 13. a mistake that causes

is writing their employment history as if it were problems

a conversation or a story, using “I”- statements. Don’t

forget that your resume is a formal document,, and if you

want to write your history in its most basic form, it should

follow the principle of “problem – solution (14) – results”. 14. a way of solving

Use active verbs such as “managed” (15), “provided”, a problem

“directed”, “coordinated”, “participated” (16), etc. 15. controlled a process

It’s better to write: “Managed client meetings” instead of 16. took part in

“I was responsible for client meetings.” an activity

Experience is important for a chronological resume.

Focus on your accomplishments and show results.

Experience is optional in a functional resume. Here you

may mention only dates, job titles, and company names and

locations. List your work experience position in reverse

chronological order.


Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 304 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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