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Task 10. Read the following text and choose the best translation to the words in italics

Some (1) have questioned whether or not the UN might be (2) relevant in the 21st century. While the UN’s first and second Charter mandates require the UN: “to maintain international peace and security… (and if necessary to enforce the peace by) taking (3) preventive or enforcement action,” due to its restrictive administrative structure, the permanent members of the Security Council themselves have sometimes prevented the UN from fully carrying out its first mandates. Without the unanimous (4) approval, support of all 5 of the permanent members of the UN’s Security Council, the UN’s charter only (5) enables it to “observe”, report on and make recommendations regarding international conflicts. Such (6) unanimity on the Security Council regarding the authorization of (7) armed UN enforcement actions has not always been reached in time to prevent (8) outbreak of international wars. Even with all of these restraints and limitations in place on the UN’s abilities to respond to situations of conflict, still various studies have found the UN to have had many notable successes in the 65 years of existence.

1. a) задавали вопрос; в) интересовались; с) любопытствовали.

2. а) относиться; в) соответствовать; с) быть релевантным.

3. а) предупредительный; в) предварительный; с) превентивный.

4. а) утверждение; в) принятие; с) одобрение.

5. а) способствует; в) позволяет; с) предполагает

6. а) единодушие; в) единство; с) уния.

7. а) действия вооруженных сил ООН; в) военные действия ООН; с) военизированные действия ООН.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 187 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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