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Stonehenge, Wiltshire A Druid

Task 1. Pick out sentences where the following Phrasal verbs are used:

Look for – искать

Take back to – уводить к

Be around – существовать

Task 2. Fill in the gaps while viewing.

Our story starts way, way back in 1)…-…….. Britain 5000 years ago. If you are looking for the building blocks of British identity, their foundations are literally (буквально) rock solid. The Stonehenge is one of the most visited sights (достопримечательность) in Britain, it symbolizes mystery, it takes us right back to the roots of Britishness. There’s an important day in calendar, the 2)…… equinox (равноденствие), when thousands of people gather here to watch the sun rising over the stones. Many of the people here are 3)……, a religious group. It’s been suggested that Druids built the Stonehenge to use for 4)…… ……… (человеческие жертвы). Stonehenge can’t have been built by the Druids because their culture began to flourish (процветать) only in 300 BC. The Stonehenge had been around long, long before that.

At first they dug this ditch (канава) and then put wooden posts around. Then 600 years later they erected (воздвигли) this incredible outer circle of bluestones that survives still today. The stones were brought all the way from Pembrokeshire* in Wales, which was 250 miles away. It is quite a journey for a civilization which had no 5)……… of a wheel. It was a staggering undertaking (поразительное предприятие)! It is such an important reminder that British people belonged to a far more 6)……. and sophisticated (умудренный) society than the Roman historians would make us believe. Then somebody decided to redesign the Stonehenge. The Stonehenge has inspired a fair number of 7)….. …... The Stonehenge is admired as an early 8)…… of the British roots.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 500 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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