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Program structure

It is now quite clear that the only way of achieving the required standards of correctness, performance and reliability of software is through the very careful design of the structure of a program. A well-structured program must satisfy the following conditions:

• The program must have a clear overall structure in terms of modules, with each module carrying out a specific task. Modules may be implemented as functions, procedures or segments, depending on the programming language used.

• There must be a clearly defined interface between modules. This is particularly important when interfaces are between modules written by different software engineers.

• Each module should be a simple combination of the elementary constructions of the programming language. Modules should be easy to read by people other than their original programmer.

• There must be a close correspondence between the structure of a module and the structure of the data on which it operates.

• Each module should leave the data structures on which it operates in a state which is consistent with their defining properties. This is particularly important with pointers: they should not be left 'hanging loose' by one module, on the assumption that another module will tidy them up.

• A module must have no side effects: it must not make any changes to data values, or to the state of the program, apart from those it is intended to make.

Achieving a program structure which satisfies these conditions is a very difficult task. Some help is given by the program structuring properties of the language. New programming languages are being developed which will give even greater assistance, particularly with the last two requirements of a structured program.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 325 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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