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Athletic Union

6. The Athletic Union is an autonomous organization, which is housed within the University Union building. Autonomy was achieved in 1968 and since that date the Athletic Union has its own President, controls its own affairs, and yearly elects an executive to help put Council policies into effect.

7. The responsibilities of the Athletic Union are varied but the main responsibility is to facilitate student sport and recreational activities. As a permanent administrative center, its aim is to help clubs, and to provide them with material assistance.

8. Since autonomy in 1968 when twenty-seven clubs were affiliated to the Athletic Union, the number of clubs was expanded to forty-one. This includes major sports like rugby, soccer and hockey as well as more adventurous pursuits of sports: sub aqua, windsurfing and others.

Exercise 1. Put questions to paragraph 1 in Text B.

Exercise 2.Which of the paragraphs of text B expresses the following ideas:

1. the formation of new societies;

2. the aim of the Students’ Union of the University College;

3. the service of the Union Travel office;

4. students’ difficulties;

5. amenities in the building of the Students’ Union.

Exercise 3.Prove the following statements:

B. The Athletic Union is an autonomous organization.

C. The number of clubs was expanded.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 276 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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