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Text Study. Exercise 1. Say whether these statements are true or false:

Exercise 1. Say whether these statements are true or false:

1. Valerie Morton attended primary and grammar schools in Birmingham.

2. The academic year at the University in Britain consists of three terms.

3. This year Valerie entered the University of Bradfield.

4. In the 2nd term they will have only lectures.

5. She is having her practice in a large, modern, well-equipped comprehensive school.

6. The school has no special place for parking cars, so all students have a lot of problems with this.

7. There is a good assembly hall at school, but there is not a proper stage.

8. Girls like to have cookery lessons, because they have a fully equipped kitchen.

9. All the subjects at school are compulsory.

10.Students may choose optional subjects themselves.

Exercise 2.Answer the following questions, using words and phrases from the text:

1. Why did Ann give Bill Johnson her address?

2. Why will it be interesting for the girls to compare experiences?

3. Where did Valerie grow up?

4. When did Valerie enter the University?

5. What subjects does she study at the University?

6. How long does Valerie’s first teaching practice last?

7. What does the school in Oak Ridge look like?

8. What are the sport facilities at school?

9. What special rooms has the school for science teaching?

10.What special rooms has the school for practical work?

11.Why is the range of subjects taught at Oak Ridge so wide?

12.What are some of more unusual subjects taught there?

Exercise 3. Make a list of words useful for describing an academic year, an English school, laboratories and workshops at school.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 566 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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