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Text 5. Image of Successful Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur skills include good time and money management. A person must have the ability to concentrate and to engage in multiple tasks at once. Being an entrepreneur generally requires good communication skills. A person needs to be able to inform others of new ideas, talents, and efforts.

Although many people may fail to recognize it as a skill, being an entrepreneur requires the ability to concentrate. Mentioning essential entrepreneur skills one should realize that multi-tasking must be high on the list. An entrepreneur rarely has the luxury of starting and completing tasks one at a time. The list of entrepreneur skills is not complete if a person lacks the ability to recognize opportunities. When a successful entrepreneur recognizes an opportunity, he/she will carefully analyse how to act on it. One of the most evident characteristics of an entrepreneur is of being a risk taker. The risks that an entrepreneur takes include damage to finances, reputation, and livelihood.

Self-confidence is another characteristic feature of an entrepreneur. This is often necessary because entrepreneurs commonly attempt to succeed with new ideas. However, people tend to be sceptical of ideas that have not been proved to work. As a result, entrepreneurs usually have to obtain a lot of support from inner resources.

Entrepreneurs tend to be people who are highly driven. A person with an entrepreneurial spirit works toward his goals with a self-generated sense of urgency. These individuals are usually persistent. It is rare to find an entrepreneur who sets goals and achieves them without obstacles. Some of the most successful people have experienced some grave failures. Due to the type of people they are, however, they refused to give up and converted obstacles into challenges. A successful entrepreneur can develop people including himself and help then grow and become bigger and richer persons.

Answer the questions:

1. Why is time and money management one of the most important entrepreneurskills?

2. Why are communication skills actual for successful


3. What risks does an entrepreneur usually take?

4. Why should entrepreneurs be self-confident?

5. Why are people sceptical of new ideas and decisions?

6. What type of people do entrepreneurs tend to be?

7. How do people with an entrepreneurial spirit usually work?

8. Why is persistence vital to entrepreneurs?

9. What do entrepreneurs usually meet on the way to success?10. Why do successful entrepreneurs convert obstacles into challenges?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 333 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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