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Text 3. Public Administration of Today

Public administration is the process of managing a country’s affairs on both national and local levels in accordance with the laws adopted by legislative and executive branches of government. People working in the area of civil service are regarded as civil servants.

The field of public administration involves economic development of the country, education, housing and welfare policy as well as transportation, public health and ecology. Specialists may work at federal, state, local, and regional levels as well as in international organisations such as the World Bank or the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. One of the fastest growing sources of public administration jobs in recent years has become the consulting field.

A Master of Public Administration is a special degree for those who wants to succeed in governmental and non-profit spheres. MPA programmes emphasise on policy analysis techniques, constitutional issues such as separation of powers, administrative law, problems of governance and power and participatory democracy.

The functions of public managers vary according to the level of management. The main responsibilities of top executives are to plan and control the organisation’s activities. Decision-making is also one of the most vital tasks for implementation of important public projects. Moreover, public administrators are engaged in the activities common for all posts in management. The activities can be grouped into four basic functions: planning, organising, directing and controlling. Planning is the process of selecting and defining how to achieve goals. Organising is employment of the staff where it will be most effective. Directing involves leading, guiding and motivating employees to work effectively. Controlling is assessing the results and taking proper policies for development.

Thus, public administration is implementation of government policies. Making a career in public administration today often means assuming more personal responsibility and professional risk. Nowadays it is necessary for the specialists of public administrationto master different professional programmes for increasing the efficiency of their activities.

Answer the questions:

1. What is public administration?

2. What is a civil servant?

3. What does the field of public administration involve?

4. Where do civil servants work?

5. What type of degree do the future civil servants get?

6. What do MPA programmes emphasise on?

7. What functions of public managers can you name?

8. What are the main responsibilities of top executives?

9. What does the function of controlling mean in public administration?

10. What type of programmes should specialists in public administration master?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 449 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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