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A. Insert the correct preposition. Compare it with the one we use in Russian

1. I wonder what’s happened … Jane? She’s two hours late.

2. What’s happening … you? What’s wrong?

3. What happened … your legs?

4. Whatever happened … that singer you used to like so much?

5. What on earth has happened … that scheme&

6. This has happened … me today. It will happen … you tomorrow.

B. Now read the sentences where OCCUR takes the same preposition but with a different meaning. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The idea never occurred to me.

2. As soon as the thought occurred to him, he felt worse.

3. There are a couple of points which have occurred to me since the meeting.

4. A new question has just occurred to me.

5. Strangely enough, the most obvious explanation did not occur to Jackie until the next day.

6. The possibility that she might be wrong never even occurred to her.

Both in A and B the verbs have the meaning “continue to exist”. Make a list of these verbs. Translate the sentences into Russian to find out the difference in meaning.


1. The country’s decline continues.

2. Let’s hope the fragile cease-fire lasts.

3. More discoveries were made as the excavation proceeded.

4. As the evening advanced we got more and more friendly.

5. Some ideas take hold and persist while others fail to do so.

6. If our luck holds, we’ll win the competition.

7. Little of the original temple remains.

8. Very few of these old coins survive.

9. The hot weather extended well into October.

10. The process will continue as long as earthly life endures.


1. The next day the performance continued.

2. The game resumed when it had stopped raining.

3. His interest revived at the appearance of one of the neighbours.

4. After three weeks, the rain returned.

5. From time to time “Gypsy” clothes reappear as a fashion.

6. The dream recurred throughout her life.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 366 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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