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Exercise 9 Imagine that you have received the other invitation from exercise above. Write an informal letter to the sender using the following plan


Paragraph 1: decline the invitation and explain why you will not be able to make it.

Paragraph 2: Say what you have been doing recently.

Paragraph 3: Suggest meeting up after the party. Include ideas for an activity.

Paragraph 4: Finish by returning to the topic of a party.


Exercise 10. Discuss these Common Superstitions. Do you believe in them?

  • Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day
  • A rabbit's foot brings good luck
  • To find a four-leaf clover is to find good luck
  • If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck
  • If a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck
Exercise 11. Choose one of the statement and make short dialogue
  • To break a mirror will bring you seven years bad luck
  • To find a horseshoe brings good luck
  • You can break a bad luck spell by turning seven times in a clockwise circle
  • Garlic protects from evil spirits and vampires
  • To open an umbrella in the house is to bring bad luck

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 1428 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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