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Exercise 12. Write a dictation

1. Choose the right answer:

In the UK coaches are … than the train.

Useful phrases 1. the flight was delayed 2. you got lost 3. you missed your flight 4. there was a traffic jam 5. you forgot your passport 6. the flight was overbooked 7. go up the street 8. go down the street 9. turn left at the corner 10. take the first turning on the left 11. go along Abai prospect 12. go as far as the railway station 13. walk past the university 14. go straight ahead 15. take a bus
much morecheap

b) cheaper

c) cheap

d) the cheapest

2. Choose the right answer:

Paulo is … student in my group.

e) the most intelligent

f) the more intelligent

g) much intelligent

h) as intelligent as

3. Choose the right answer:

… you need this to travel on a train, bus or a plane.

a) reclaim

b) boarding card/ pass

c) baggage reclaim

d) aisle

4. Choose the right answer:

… the time of day when there is a lot of traffic.

a) rush hour

b) traffic jam

c) traffic lights

d) public transport

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 653 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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