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Complete these sentences with a verb in the correct tense

be worth borrow can’t afford charge cost earn inherit invest lend owe save take out waste

My uncle died and left me £200. I … £200 from my uncle.

I put some money aside every week for my next holiday. I … money every week.

I asked my brother to give me €10 until next week. I … €10 from him.

My brother gave me €10 until next week. He … me €10.

I often spend money on stupid things. I often … money.

I don’t have enough money to buy that car. I … to buy that car.

I had to pay the mechanic €100to repair my car. The mechanic …€100.

I went to the cash machine and got €200. I … €200 the cash machine.

I bought a book. It was $25. The book … (me) $25.

Jim gave me $ 100. I haven’t paid it back yet. I … Jim $ 100.

I bought some shares in British Telecom. I … some money.

I work in supermarket. They pay me €2000 a month. I … €2000 a month.

I could sell my house for about €200,000. My house … about €200,000.

Exercise 2 Give the translations of these sentences in written form:

Я думаю, что это невыгодное дело.

Не беспокойся, у меня достаточно денег.

Мне кажется, что он “кует деньги”.

Старайся не привыкать (get used to) к “легким деньгам”.

По моему мнению, вы должны туда поехать.

Что ты предпочитаешь – металлические или бумажные деньги?

Начать это строительство означает “утопить деньги”.

Я думаю, ты ставишь деньги не на ту лошадку.

Exercise 3 Imagine you are staying at one of the hotels. Write a postcard to a friend back home .

Hi, Aset/

I’m staying at the Ice Hotel in Lapland. It’s amazing because…

Yesterday we went on snowmobiles. And this morning I’ve…


Exercise 4 Make up a micro text “What is money” using pictures.

Exercise 5. Which of these sentences best describe your attitude to money?

All I want is enough money to enjoy life.

Money is very important to me. I’d like to earn as much as possible.

I would be happy to live with less money and fewer possessions.

Money can’t buy you happiness.

Exercise 6 Speak on the theme “My bad experience with money” using given phrases and proverbs.

Useful phrases to pay for something to pay somebody back the money to pay in cash to pay by credit card to spend money on something to lend money from somebody   Proverbs Money has no smell. Money is a good servant but a bad master. Lend your money and lose your friend. A bargain is a bargain. Time is money. Money makes the world go round. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.


Exercise 7 Listen [1, P.23] to a new bulletin. How many different news items are there?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 3281 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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