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Match people with accidents and scandals that happened to them. Variants in the second column may be used more than once

1) John Kennedy

2) Joe Kennedy a) drug overdose

3) Kathleen Kennedy b) plane crash

4) Rosemary Kennedy c) assassination

5) Robert Kennedy d) skiing accident

6) Edward Kennedy e) car accident

7) Patrick (Edward’s son) d) trial for rape

8) WK Smith (Edward’s nephew) f) trial for drug addiction

9) David (Robert’s son) g) mental institution

10) Michael (Robert’s son)

11) John (JKF’s son)

Who was killed due to political reasons: 1)………..; 2) ………; 3)……...

Read the text, which is from an incisive commentator on British politics and society, Antony Sampson, and pay close attention to the underlined words and expressions which are useful when talking or writing about politics.

Behind the public debates of parliament, the hidden pressures on government influence legislation much more than speeches. Growing numbers of Members of Parliament (MPs) are themselves well-paid to represent commercial or special interests, sometimes more assiduously than their own constituents. But the most powerful lobbies, like the big corporations or the Institute of Directors, do not bother much about Members: they can go straight to ministers and civil servants. Lobbyists reach their annual climax when the Chancellor of the Exchequer is preparing his annual budget and receives petitions from business interests pressing for tax concessions.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 432 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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