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These are the words taken out from the interview with John. Read them out and try to explain them in English

All of a sudden  
Arable land  
Grossly over-populated  
Hit-or-miss method  
One-child rule  
Sexual molestation  
Swift justice  
To be on the look-out for  
To fend for oneself  

While you listen to John take notes under the following headings.

What he finds good or praiseworthy in China What he finds bad in China

Listen again and discuss the following questions in groups.

23. Write a summary of either John’s or Martin’s views. If you wish, add a paragraph giving your own views or comments.


Fill the gaps using the words in the box.

Conspicuous insurgency devastating painstakingly maverick humiliating prosperity emulate repugnant elude  

1. A________________ is an independent person with ideas very different from those of other people.

2. If something is done __________, it is done very carefully and slowly.

3. If something is ____________, makes you feel very embarrassed and

4. If you ___________ someone, you try to be like them or copy them in some way.

5. If something __________, you do not manage to achieve your ambition or aim.

6. ____________ means very noticeable or easy to see.

7. ____________ means causing a lot of harm or damage.

8. ____________ is another word for wealth.

9. An____________is an attempt by a group of people to take control of a country by force.

10. If something is ___________, it is extremely unpleasant or offensive.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 338 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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