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Discussion. 1. American writers of the mid -18(X)'s did not turn to England lor inspiration

I. Agree or disagree

1. American writers of the mid -18(X)'s did not turn to England lor inspiration.

2. The transcendcntalists were a group of American writers who emphasized observation and experience.

3. R. W. Emerson put the transcendentalist theories to practice.

4. The Boston Brahmins belonged to upper-class New England society.

5. Longfellow was the most influential poet of his day.

6. Longfellow was the leader of the Boston Brahmins.

II. Describe the characteristic features of:

1) the transcendcntalists;

2) the Boston Brahmins;

3) the individualists;

4) the humorists;

5) the local colorists.

III. Answer the Questions

1. Do all the authors belong to literary groups?

2. What did Edgar Allan Рое emphasize in his poems and short stories?

3. Did N. Hauthorne stress character, meaning or plot?

4. Where did H. Melville gather material for his novels?

5. Why were Whitman's poems like a breath of fresh air in American poetry?

6. What qualities of E. Dickinson's poems influenced the poets of the 1900's?

7. In what way did J. Lamir arrange words and rhythms in his poems?

8. What features did Mark Twain's work show?

9. What did local colorists write about?

10.What writers developed the «international theme»?


IV. In a short essay trace the development of the chief liter­ary forms in the 1850 - 1900's.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 289 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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