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Vocabulary. encourage - поддерживать, способствовать distinct - отдельный

encourage - поддерживать, способствовать distinct - отдельный

elaborate - подробный, сложный

recurring cycle - повторяющийся цикл

countess - 1рафиня

Answer the Questions

1.Many critics consider Yeats the greatest poet of his time, don i they? Why?

2. What literary movement did he lead?

3. What theories did he develop?

4. How did he express his personal views about history?

5. Where did he spend his childhood?

6. What theatre did he establish? What for?

7. How many of Yeats's plays did the theatre perform?

8. Did his verse improve as he grew older?

8.9. H. G. Wells

H. G. Wells (1866—1946), was a famous English novelist, his­torian, science writer, and author of science-fiction stories. Wells's novel «Tono-Bungay» (1909), best reveals his varied talents. The novel, a story of the dishonest promotion of a patent medicine, con­tains social criticism tinged with satire. In it, Wells described trips in airplanes and submarines at a time when such journeys seemed like science fiction.

Herbert George Wells was born in Bromley, Kent. He drew on his lower-middle-class background in some of his finest novels, including «Kipps» (1905), and «The History of Mr. Polly» (1909). His training as a scientist is reflected in his imaginative science- fiction stories. «The Time Machine» (1895), describes the adven­tures of a man who can transport himself into the future. Wells wrote about an invasion from Mars in «The War of the Worlds» (1898), and described a fictional Utopia in «The Sliape of Things to Come» (1933).

Wells supported social reform in the novel «The New Machiavelli» (1911), in the nonfiction study «The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind» (1932), and in other books. He wrote «The Outline of History» (1920), a story of the development of the human race. The book shows Wells's knowledge of biology and his liberal attitude in politics. With his son Geoffrey and Sir Julian

Huxley, Wells wrote «The Science of Life» (1929-1930), a four- volume discussion of the principles of biology. Wells told his life story in «Experiment in Autobiography» (1934).

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 304 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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