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Answer the Questions. 1. What qualities are characteristic of Thackeray's style?

1. What qualities are characteristic of Thackeray's style?

2. Where was he born?

3. Did he like studying at school?

4. Why did he have trouble finding a career?

5. How did he earn a living?

6. What were his early writings like?

7. What novel did Thackeray ensure his fame with?

8. Why did Thackeray call «Vanity Fair» «a novel without a hero»?

9. What other novels did he write?

10.What kind of people did he ridicule in his novels?

7.6. Charles Dickens Charles Dickens (1812—1870), was a great English novelist and one of the most popular writers of all time. His best-known books include «А Christmas Carol», «David Copperfield», «Great Expec­tations», «Oliver Twist», «The Pickwick Papers», and «А Tale of Two Cities». Dickens created some of the most famous characters in English literature. He also created scenes and descriptions of places that have long delighted readers. Dickens was a keen observer of life and had a great understanding of humanity, especially of young

people. He sympathized with the poor and helpless, and mocked and criticized the selfish, the greedy, and the crucl.

Dickens was also a wonderfully inventive comic artist. The warmth and humor of his personality appear in all his works. Per­haps in no other large body of fiction does the reader receive so strong and agreeable an impression of the person behind the story.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 371 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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