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Vocabulary. vindication - защита claim - заявлять equality - равенство inferior - низший, худший creative - творческий

vindication - защита claim - заявлять equality - равенство inferior - низший, худший creative - творческий

Answer the Questions

1.What is Mary Wollstonecraft best known for?

2. What did she argue with?

3. What did she base her book on?

4. When and where was she born?

5. What kind of book did she write?

6. What is her daughter famous for?

6.5. William Wordsworth William Wordsworth (1770—1850), is considered by many scholars to be the most important English romantic poet. «Lyrical Ballads» (1798), a collection of poems by Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, is regarded as beginning the romantic movement in England.

In the preface to the second edition of «Lyrical Ballads» (1800), Wordsworth outlined ideas about poetry that have since been iden­tified with romanticism. He argued that serious poems could de­scribe «situations from common life», and be written in the ordi­nary language «really used by men». He believed such poems could

clarify «the primary laws of our nature». He also insisted that po­etry is the imaginative expression of emotions corning from actual personal experience.

Wordsworth has often been praised for his descriptions of na­ture. But he rightly claimed that his primary interest was the «mind of man». His finest poems, including «Michael», the «Lucy» lyr­ics, «The Solitary Reaper», and «Resolution and Independence», dramatize how imagination creates spiritual values out of the memory of sights and sounds in nature.

Early life. Wordsworth was bom in Cockermouth, which is now in the county of Cumbria. His mother died in 1778 and his father died in 1783. Relatives provided for his education. Wordsworth en­tered Cambridge University in 1787, the year he wrote his first sig­nificant poem. During a summer vacation in 1790, he visited France, then in turmoil because of the French Revolution. After graduating from Cambridge in 1791, he returned to France and became a sup­porter of the revolution. He returned to England in December 1792. Although liberal in his youth, he became politically and religiously conservative. He was appointed poet laureate in 1843.

Wordsworth met Coleridge about 1795, and «Lyrical Ballads» appeared in 1798. Most of its poems were by Wordsworth, includ­ing his famous «Tintem Abbey».

Later career. Wordsworth married Mary Hutchinson in 1802. They had five children. Wordsworth was deeply saddened by the death of his brother John in 1805. His sadness was reflected in his poem «Elegiac Stanzas Suggested by a Picture of Peele Castle» (1806). By 1806, Wordsworth had completed one of the most fa­mous poems in English literature, «Ode: Intimations of Immortal­ity». In this piece, Wordsworth praised childhood and urged indi­viduals to rely on their intuition.

Wordsworth's masterpiece is his long autobiographical poem, «The Prelude Growth of a Poet's Mind». He wrote it between 1798 and 1805, but continued to revise it for the rest of his life. It was published in 1850, shortly after his death. In its best passages, it achieves a remarkable combination of simplicity and grandeur. Wordsworth wrote most of his best poetry before 1807. But he wrote several important works later, notably «The Excursion» (1814). This long poem discusses virtue, education, and religious faith. Wordsworth wrote 523 sonnets, and many of them compare with those of William Shakespeare and John Milton.

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