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Discussion. particularly - особенно

Topical Vocabulary

masterpiece - шедевр

particularly - особенно

rank - занимать место

figure - личность

condition - условие, состояние

describe - описывать

criticize - осуждать, критиковать

comment - отзыв, комментарий

society - общество


I. Answer the Questions:

1.What does English literature consist of?

2. What liierary forms does English literature include?

3. Is English literature one of the oldest national literatures in the world? Prove it.

4. What are major works written before the 1300's?

5. What are romances about?

6. What have English authors been deeply interested in?

7. What did they do in their works?

8. Do you know any examples, how English authors used their works to promote economic, political, or social reforms?

II. Support the idea:

1.English literature is various in its liierary forms.

2. English is a rich literature.

3. English literature is one of the oldest national literatures in the world.

III. Tell your classmatcs:

1) what English authors you know;

2) what book by English authors you have read;

3) what English book you would like to read in the original and why.

IV.Develop the idea:

1.Literature has always been important in England.

2. The masters of English literature work among the world's greatest literary figures.

3. English authors have made a great contribution into the world literature.

V. Discuss the ways in which literature can influence upon the economic, political, and social life in the country.

2. THE ANGLO-SAXONS (450—1100)

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 523 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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