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Text 9. Breaking Down Barriers

The main advantage of any new technology is that it amplifies human potential. In the 20th century, electricity, the telephone, the automobile and the airplane all made he world more accessible to more people, transforming our economy and society in the process. The Internet has the same revolutionary impact – individuals and businesses can overcome geographical. Cultural and logistical barriers and improve the way they live and work. Because it amplifies our potential in so many ways, it’s possible that the long-term impact of the Internet could equal that of electricity, the automobile and the telephone all rolled together. How?

The Internet makes the world smaller. The ability to communicate and exchange information instantaneously and across vast distances has enabled mire individuals and businesses to participate in the economy, regardless of their location. Large companies can connect with employees, suppliers and partners around the globe, and small businesses can find their customers anywhere in the world.

The Internet brings people closer together. Before the Internet, it was possible to keep in touch with relatives and friends across the country or around the world – but it was also expensive. Today, communicating with a friend across town, and families regularly use the Internet to keep in touch with far-flung relatives. Millions of people with shared interests – no matter how obscure – exchange information and build communities through Web sites, email and instant messaging software. Using innovative accessibility aids, people with disabilities can use the Internet to help overcome barriers that prevent them from leading more productive and fulfilling lives.

The Internet makes the world simpler. For businesses, the Internet breaks down logistical barriers, offering greater flexibility and power in the way they do business. It shrinks time and distance, simplifies complex business processes, and enables more effective communication and collaboration. And it gives consumers the ability to shop smarter, to find the best products at the right prices.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 686 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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