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Chapters 17 and 18

Vocabulary work

I. Learn the following words and expressions:

- eventually - ordinary - slip-on shoes - to have a go at smb. - savage - (not) to have a clue (about smth.) - to be kidding - on the spur of the moment - to run out of smth. - to make up one’s mind - rebellion - durable   - the tube - chimney - to swap smth. for smth. - goodwill - to lose touch with smb. - despair - to regret - to be offended - daft - smart - to make a decision - selfish - to get the wrong end of the stick

II. Answer the questions:

  1. What did Fiona say and do after his shoes were stolen?
  2. How did Marcus manage to convince his mother that he needed to see Will?
  3. Describe Will’s feelings towards his father’s song.
  4. What did Fiona and Will agree upon when they discussed Marcus?

III. State who these words belong to. Translate and reproduce the situations in which they are used:

  1. “Now what the hell are these little after-school tea parties about?”
  2. “I could leave him outside to take his chances, but I’ve been letting him in for his own safety.”
  3. “We don’t need that kind of person. We’re doing all right our way.”
  4. “You have to work out what you believe in, and then you have to stick to it.”
  5. “Just explain to me clearly and simply, without changing your mind halfway through, what you want me to do.”
  6. “… I do know that it’s around now you shouldn’t trust anything a human male says about what he feels.”

IV. Translate into English:

- наблюдательный человек;

- проводить время с;

- обманывать себя;

- привыкнуть к новой школе;

- взрыв (эмоций);

- привирать;

- в любом случае;

- это несправедливо;

- терять связь с кем-л.;

- получить пощечину.

Oral practice

V. Comment on the following:

1. How come it was Will, though, whom he’d known for two minutes, and not his mum, whom he’d known for, well, all his life? (p. 116)

2. ‘That’s what life is, Marcus. You have to work out what you believe in, and then you have to stick to it. It’s hard, but it’s not unfair. And at least it’s easy to understand.’ (p. 120)

3. It had been worse when he was a kid, because his dad hated Christmas too, for the obvious reason (although Will hadn’t realized it was the obvious reason until he was much older – back then, he just thought that his dad was as sick of the song as everybody else): it was a terrible reminder of how badly he had failed in his life. (p. 123)

VI. Give a good literary translation of the following:

1. “Quite often people wanted to interview his father about ‘Santa’s Super Sleigh’, and they always used to ask what else he had written, and he would tell them, sometimes even play them things, or show them records which featured another of his songs. They would look embarrassed, cluck sympathetically and tell him how hard it was for everyone who was famous for only one thing, a long time ago, and ask him whether the song had ruined his life, or made him wish he’d never written it. He would get angry, and tell them not to be so stupid and patronizing and insensitive, and when they had gone, he would complain bitterly that the song had ruined his life, and say he wished he’d never written it.” (p. 123-124)

2. “‘Marcus seems to think he needs adult male company. A father figure. And somehow your name came up.’

‘Well, I can tell you, Fiona, I didn’t put him up to it. I don’t need junior male company, and I definitely don’t need a son figure. So, fine. You and I are in complete agreement.’

‘So you won’t see him even if he wants to see you?’

‘Why doesn’t he use his father as a father figure? Isn’t that the easiest solution, or am I being dim?’

‘His father lives in Cambridge.’

‘What, Cambridge, Australia? Cambridge, California? Presumably we’re not talking about the Cambridge just up the M11?’” (p. 126-127)

3. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying? That he was attacking me in my most vulnerable spot just so he could win an argument?” (p. 131)

VII. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. Fiona didn’t notice Marcus’s new shoes.
  2. Marcus thought that his mother understood him better than Will.
  3. Marcus didn’t want Will to remind his mother about the hospital.
  4. Fiona promised to buy Marcus new clothes if he wanted.
  5. Fiona prohibited Marcus to see Will any more.
  6. Marcus was a vegetarian because he had no choice.
  7. Fiona asked Will to influence Marcus after Marcus told her he needed a father.
  8. Will promised to let Marcus in whenever he came.

VIII. Retell the 17th and 18th Chapters as if you were:

1) Marcus

2) Will

3) Fiona.


IX. Find instances of the Conditional sentences in Chapter 17, translate them into Russian and define their types.


X. Make up and act out the dialogue between Will’s father and the journalist.

XI. Write a one-page summary of the Chapters 17,18.

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