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IV. Correct the false statements. 1. George Bartlett was a fat old man who could speak very well.People adored listening to him

1. George Bartlett was a fat old man who could speak very well.People adored listening to him.

2. George Bartlett was very good at dancing. Ruby liked him very much.

3. The talk with George Bartlett threw light on the matter.

4. Peter Carmody, Mr Jefferson's grandson, was afraid of policemen.

5. Peter Carmody said he didn't know Ruby at all.

6. Mark Gaskell informed the police that his father-in-law enjoyed good health.

7. Conway Jefferson was rather a weak-willed person.

8. Mr. Jefferson was a greedy man eho preferred to save money rather than give it to his children.

9. Mr. Jefferson wasn't at all surprised by the fact that Ruby's body had been found at Gossington Hall.

10. As soon as the policemen left him Mr. Jefferson went to bed.

V. Find the following phrases in the text of the novel, copy them out, try to remember them.

Худощавый юноша, огромная трудность, взволнованная речь, лицо беспринципного человека, морщинистое лицо, мерзкое слово, дерзкий и любопытный, дальние родственники, бесстрастное лицо.

VI. Find the following adverbs, write them out, remember them and use in sentences of your own.

Мягко и сердечно, мрачно, задумчиво, неверно, сухо, гнусно/подло/плохо, внезапно.

VII. Translate into Russian in writing.

(p.52) "In the big bedroom... but accept it and pass on to victory."

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 433 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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