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III. Correct the false statements

1. Colonel Melchett was a quiet man with a habit of rubbing his hands together when he was pleased.

2. Colonel Melchett supposed that Colonel Bantry had strangled the girl and Colonel Bantry confessed to it.

3. Colonel Melchett did not want to know what Colonel Bantry had been doing the previous night.

4. Colonel Bantry said that his wife had been waiting for him the previous evening.

5. Colonel Bantry praised Basil Blake.

6. Basil Blake was a famous architect. Being a middle-aged person he was modestly dressed in a grey suit.

7. Basil Blake was very polite to Colonel Melchett.

8. Basil Blake and the young blond girl did not say a word in Colonel Melchett's presence.

9. Inspector Slack came to the conclusion that some of the servants knew something.

10.Doctor Haydock informed Colonel Melchett that the girl had been murdered with a long knife.

11.No people were reported missing.

12.Inspector Slack was a passive man.

13.Josie Turner was grief-stricken when she got to know that Ruby had been murdered.

14.Josie was a servant at the Majestic. Ruby was also a servant there.

15.When Ruby disappeared Josie went to the police at once.

16.Josie told Colonel Melchett that she had never seen Ruby with a young man.

17.Inspector Slack did not do anything to help Colonel Melchett.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 531 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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