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Highest mountains

Peak Height above sea level
Everest 8,848
Goodwin Austen 8,611
Kanchenjunga 8,586

Biggest continents

Continent Area (in square kilometers)
Asia 44,426,000
Africa 30,233,000
North America 24,955,000

Largest islands

Island Area (in square kilometers)
Greenland 2,175,592
New Guinea 821,324
Borneo 746,543

Largest lakes

Lake Continent Area (in square km)
Caspian Sea Europe/Asia 423,400
Lake Superior North America 82,300
Lake Victoria Africa 74,664

Longest rivers

River Continent Length (in km)
Nile Africa 6,700
Amazon South America 6,300
Yangise Asia 5,000
Zaire Africa 4,400
Missouri North America 4,370


The hottest place on earth is Azizia, a town in a hilly farming area of Libya. The world’s record temperature was recorded there in 1922 – 57.7 0C (135.83 0F). But several other places have a higher average temperature, including Death Valley in California, and of Western Australia. The coldest place in Antarctica, where a temperature of –88.3 0C (-126.94 0F) has been recorded. The wettest place is on Kauai Island, Hawaii, which has more than 330 rainy days a year. Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean had the heaviest downpour ever recorded – 1.870 mm in 24 hours. The driest place is part of the Atacama Desert in Chile where little rain falls.


Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 311 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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