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Interrogative form


Tense (1) Questioning word (2) Auxiliary verb (3) Subject (4) Predicate Example
Present Simple Tense, Active Voice   What do does I, you, we they   he, she, it V (study, write) Do you study? Where does he study?
Past Simple Tense, Active Voice Where did I, he, she, it, you, we, they V (study, write) When did you go to the Academy?
Future Simple Tense, Active Voice When shall will I, we   he, she, it, you, they V (study, write) Where willthey go tomorrow?
Present Simple Tense, Passive Voice Why am is are I he, she, it you, we, they V3 (studied, written) Whereis this hospital built?
Past Simple Tense, Passive Voice How was were I, he, she, it   you, we they V3 (studied, written) What medicine wasyour doctor prescribed? Were the patients examined?  
Future Simple Tense, Passive Voice How many shall will I, we   he, she, it, you, they be + V3 (be studied, be written) When will the polyclinic be closed?
Present Continuous Tense, Active Voice How much   am is are I   he, she, it   you, we, they Ving (studying, writing) What is he writing now? What are you doing?
Past Continuous Tense, Active Voice   was were I, he, she, it   you, we they Ving (studying, writing) Where was a doctor performing on the operation?
Future Continuous Tense, Active Voice   shall will I, we   he, she, it, you, they be + Ving (be studying, be writing) What will you be doing at 3 p.m.?
Present Continuous Tense, Passive Voice   am is are I   he, she, it   you, we, they being + V3 (being studied, being written) What hospital is your friend being operated on?
Past Continuous Tense, Passive Voice   was were I, he, she, it   you, we they being + V3 (being studied, being written) When was the work being fulfilled?
Present Perfect Tense, Active Voice   have has I, you, we they   he, she, it V3 (studied, written) What has he received this week?
Past Perfect Tense, Active Voice   had I, he, she, it, you, we, they V3 (studied, written) How many articles had the student read by 5 o’clock?
Future Perfect Tense, Active Voice   shall will I, we   he, she, it, you, they have + V3 (have studied, have written) What text will Helen have translated by 3 o’clock?
Present Perfect Tense, Passive Voice   have has I, you, we they   he, she, it been + V3 (been studied, been written) Has the text been translated today?
Past Perfect Tense, Passive Voice   had I, he, she, it, you, we, they been + V3 (been studied, been written) Where hadthe patient been examined?
Future Perfect Tense, Passive Voice   shall will I, we   he, she, it, you, they have + been + V3 (have been studied, have been written) When will the hospital have been modernized?

Ex. 3. Ask 5-6 questions concerning the theme “Cancer”.

Ex. 4. Turn the following sentences into interrogative:

1. The pancreas functions as both exocrine and endocrine organ. 2. These gases are removed from the body by exhalation through the lungs. 3. Each renal artery branches into many small arteries. 4. The kidney has filtered out of the blood the waste products. 5. The gums are made of fleshy tissue and surround the sockets in which the teeth are found. 6. The cause of malignant gastric tumor is unknown. 7. The gastrointestinal tract begins with the oral cavity. 8. More than 20 types of malignant and benign tumors have been identified as originating in the lungs. 9. The lungs extend from the collarbone to the diaphragm.


Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.

Ex. 6. Insert the missing letters:

Rec_very; allev_ate; confi_e; choo_e; of_er; blo_t; tumo_; stoma_h; can_er; chemot_erapy.

Ex. 7. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

1. Alleviate; gastric tumor; immediate; benign; choose; malignant; suggest; confine; bleeding; influence; vomiting of blood; recovery; exclusively; spread; offer; bloat; likelihood; however; catch; relieve; analgesic.

B. Tumors affect twice as many women as men; the most common early symptom; they are 2 to 4 times more common; there is no one symptom; weight loss; bloated feeling after meals; surgical removal offers the only chance to cure; the likelihood of success depends on; in addition to surgery.

Ex. 8. Translate the following words into English:

Одужання|видужання|, виліковування; болезаспокійливий; пропонувати; обирати, вибирати; роздувати, надувати; обмежувати; вірогідність|ймовірність|; бути|з’являтися,являтися| причиною, спричиняти|спричиняти|; рак; злоякісна пухлина шлунку; після|потім| їжі|їди|; видалити|знищувати,віддаляти| всі уражені ділянки.

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:

Tumor; approximately; benign; microscopic; peptic ulcer; region of the abdomen; cure; offer; chance; exclusively; metastasize; the cancer is caught; recovery; relieve; advanced.

Ex. 10. Read the following text:

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