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The gain shaping of a repeater is designed to match the loss charac­teristics of the cable. This is characterised by Equation 20.40, the loss being in dB.

Thus if the loss of the cable is known at one frequency f (normally the regulating pilot frequency) the loss at other frequencies can be deduced.

The change of the cable loss with temperature obeys the same law and thus correction for temperature is applied with a root f shape across the line frequency spectrum with the greatest correction at the highest frequency.

This equalisation which is controlled by the regulating pilot is not exact and small errors accumulate in the gain frequency response at each repeater equalisation point. The error systematically adds along the repeatered cable and to avoid excessive systematic error build up, a requirement to maintain the error to within ldB at any frequency over a 280km system is necessary. Regulation range

The change in loss of typical coaxial cable is approximately 0.004% pert. The change in buried cable temperature in the UKis±10°C.

Thus for a typical cable section loss of 40dB at the regulating pilot frequency the maximum diurnal change is approximately ±1.6dB. Over two such sections the loss change would be 3.2dB and with reference to Figure 20.15 it can be seen that a change in transmission load of 3.2dB produces only a small increase in NPR.

Thus regulation points in the UK are established every two repea­tered sections as in Figure 23(a) and allow for a loss change of ±4dB. A higher temperature shift would require regulation at every repeatered point with the greater cost and power feeding require­ments this would entail.

An alternative method of regulation, applying pre-regulation to halve the diurnal changes in repeater levels, is shown in Figure 20.23(b).

Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 187 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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