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Sum up whom Ivan wanted to telephone that day

3. Choose the correct variant:

— My name (is, are) Smirnov. I'd like (speak, to speak) to Mr. Freiser, please.

— There (is, are) no one by name of Freiser. I (am, is) afraid you (have, has) the wrong number. What number (was, were) you calling.

— I (was, were) calling 7—2992.

— Oh, but this (is, are) 7—2993.

— I'm sorry (to have, have) bothered you.

— That (is, are) quite all right.

4. Insert articles, if necessary:

I came from Moscow... few days ago.

He is in... conference.

I'm staying at... Sherlock Holmes Hotel. My room number is... 346.

I'll be in at about six in... evening.

Let's make... appointment then.

Oui diiver will pick you up at... hotel at... quarter to ten.

I'll be grateful if you could join me for... lunch.

5. Insert prepositions:

I'd like to speak... Mr. Freiser, please.

There is no one... name of Freiser.

I came... Moscow.

We spoke.. our meeting while I was still... Moscow.

I'm staying... the Sherlock Holmes Hotel.

I'll be in... about six.... the evening.

Let's make an appointment... ten.

Our driver will pick you up... the hotel... a quarter... ten.

I'll be grateful if you could join me... lunch.

6. Find the English equivalents in the text:

• Вы набрали неправильный • Когда мы встретимся?
номер. Давайте встретимся в де­
Какой номер вы набирали? сять.
Извините за беспокойство. Меня это устраивает.
Кто звонит? Наш шофер заедет за вами.
Г-н Фрейзер занят. Он на Наш офис совсем недалеко.
заседании. Буду рад встретиться с вами
Как с вами связаться позже? и обсудить наш запрос.
Я буду в гостинице около И я тоже.
шести. Буду благодарен, если вы согласитесь на ланч.

7. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

— My name is Smirnov. I'd like...

— There is no one... I'm afraid you have... What... calling?

- I... 7-2992.

- Oh... 7-2993.

— I... to have bothered you.

— That's...

— Mr. Freiser's office...

— May I...

— Who... calling...

— My name is Smirnov. I came... ago and I wanted... We spoke about our meeting...

— I'm sorry... busy... conference. How... contact you...

— I'm staying... My... 346. I'll be in...

— Very...He will...

— Ivan, is.... evening.

— Good evening, Frank. I'm very...

— So am... When... meet?

— I have.... tomorrow morning.

— Splendid. Let's... for ten.

— It suits...

— Then our driver... Our office... away.

— I'll be happy...

— Likewise. I'll... lunch.

— Thank you. I'll be glad to. See...

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 342 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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