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Write down a few sentences about the London tube

8. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

— Keep your tickets..

— Why... necessary?

— Well, you see.. inspector... Besides, you have to leave many stations. You should put.. slot machine... open. Otherwise you won't be able..

—.. thank you.

— This line on the wall.. I suppose this corridor.. green line

— You are.. We are to take.

— By the way, can I get...?

— Let me see... You'll have to...

— Thank you. I'll...

— Be careful. Don't..

9. Complete Vladimir's words:

I have got... and there is... I have heard... I like the song. One of our pop stars.. The.. fantastic. And 1 should see... with my own

Unit twenty three

The buses


Londoners are pioud of then "big red buses". These days some may not be red but they always carry the red roundel.

On many London buses passengers buy tickets from the driver when they get on. Some buses, however, have a conductor, and the passengers get on the bus and wait for the conductor to ask them where they are going and sell them the tickets.

Tiavelcards are very popular for bus travel

One day after the session the participants have free time. Ivan and Sergei decide to go to the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square. They get out of the hotel and go to the nearest bus stop.

Ivan: Excuse me, what bus can take us to Trafalgar Square, please?

Passer-by: I'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't know.

Ivan asks again.

Ivan: Excuse me. Can you tell me where to get a bus to Trafalgar Square, please?

Policeman: Yes. Cross over the road. Can you see the cinema?

The bus stop is just round the corner.

Ivan: Do you know the number of the bus?

Policeman: I think it's a thirteen.

Ivan: Thank you very much.

At the bus stop.

Ivan: Excuse me. Is this the stop for the Tiafalgar Square bus?

Man. That's right. It's number 13. It stops at Trafalgar Square and goes on to Liverpool Station. Therefore ask the driver to tell you where to get off.

Ivan: Thank you very much.

On the bus.

Sergei: Two returns to Trafalgar Square.

Bus driver: 1 pound.

Sergei: Can you tell us when we get to Trafalgar Square, please?

Bus driver: OK.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 329 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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