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Трое в лодке, не считая собаки 27 страница

There are the ruins of an old priory in the grounds of Ankerwyke House, which is close to Picnic Point (около Анкервик-Хауса находятся развалины старого монастыря, недалеко от мыса Пикник; ground — земля, участок земли; grounds — сад или парк при доме, участок вокруг дома), and it was round about the grounds of this old priory that Henry VIII. is said to have waited for and met Anne Boleyn (и как раз возле этого старого монастыря, говорят, Генрих Восьмой ожидал Анну Болейн и встречался с ней; to meet). He also used to meet her at Hever Castle in Kent, and also somewhere near St. Albans (он также встречался с ней в замке Хивер в /графстве/ Кент и еще где-то близ Сент-Олбанса). It must have been difficult for the people of England in those days to have found a spot (должно быть, трудно было жителям Англии в те времена найти место) where these thoughtless young folk were not spooning (где эти беспечные молодые люди не ворковали бы; to spoon — черпать /ложкой/; ухаживать, миндальничать; крутить роман).

theory [`TIqrI] advisability [qd,vaIzq`bIlItI]

We went over to Magna Charta Island, and had a look at the stone which stands in the cottage there and on which the great Charter is said to have been signed; though, as to whether it really was signed there, or, as some say, on the other bank at "Runningmede," I decline to commit myself. As far as my own personal opinion goes, however, I am inclined to give weight to the popular island theory. Certainly, had I been one of the Barons, at the time, I should have strongly urged upon my comrades the advisability of our getting such a slippery customer as King John on to the island, where there was less chance of surprises and tricks.

There are the ruins of an old priory in the grounds of Ankerwyke House, which is close to Picnic Point, and it was round about the grounds of this old priory that Henry VIII. is said to have waited for and met Anne Boleyn. He also used to meet her at Hever Castle in Kent, and also somewhere near St. Albans. It must have been difficult for the people of England in those days to have found a spot where these thoughtless young folk were not spooning.

Have you ever been in a house where there are a couple courting (были ли вы когда-нибудь в доме, где есть пара, которая крутит любовь; to court — ухаживать, любезничать; искать расположения)? It is most trying (это очень мучительно). You think you will go and sit in the drawing-room, and you march off there (вы думаете пойти посидеть в гостиной и направляетесь туда). As you open the door, you hear a noise as if somebody had suddenly recollected something (когда вы открываете дверь, вы слышите шум, словно кто-то вдруг что-то вспомнил), and, when you get in, Emily is over by the window, full of interest in the opposite side of the road (и, когда входите /в комнату/, Эмили стоит у окна, полная интереса в отношении противоположной стороны дороги = с большим интересом смотря на противоположную сторону дороги), and your friend, John Edward, is at the other end of the room (а ваш приятель, Джон Эдвард, /сидит/ в другом конце комнаты) with his whole soul held in thrall by photographs of other people's relatives (погрузившись всей душой = полностью в /разглядывание/ фотографий чьих-то родственников; to hold in thrall — пленить, суметь удержать, подчинить; thrall — рабство; to hold — держать/ся/, удерживать; останавливать, приковывать /взгляд и т.д./).

"Oh!" you say, pausing at the door (говорите вы, останавливаясь у двери), "I didn't know anybody was here (я не знал, что здесь кто-нибудь есть)."

"Oh! didn't you (вот как)?" says Emily, coldly, in a tone which implies that she does not believe you (холодно говорит Эмили, тоном, который подразумевает/намекает, что она вам не верит).

You hang about for a bit, then you say (вы топчетесь на месте немного, потом говорите; to hang about — ходить вокруг; околачиваться, шляться, слоняться; прождать):
"It's very dark (очень темно). Why don't you light the gas (почему вы не зажигаете газ)?"

John Edward says, "Oh!" he hadn't noticed it (говорит, что не заметил этого); and Emily says that papa does not like the gas lit in the afternoon (а Эмили говорит, что папа не любит, когда газ зажигают днем).

pausing [`pLzIN] believe [bI`lJv]

Have you ever been in a house where there are a couple courting? It is most trying. You think you will go and sit in the drawing-room, and you march off there. As you open the door, you hear a noise as if somebody had suddenly recollected something, and, when you get in, Emily is over by the window, full of interest in the opposite side of the road, and your friend, John Edward, is at the other end of the room with his whole soul held in thrall by photographs of other people's relatives.

"Oh!" you say, pausing at the door, "I didn't know anybody was here."

"Oh! didn't you?" says Emily, coldly, in a tone which implies that she does not believe you.

You hang about for a bit, then you say:
"It's very dark. Why don't you light the gas?"

John Edward says, "Oh!" he hadn't noticed it; and Emily says that papa does not like the gas lit in the afternoon.

You tell them one or two items of news (вы рассказываете им несколько новостей; item of news — новость, известие; item — пункт, статья; сообщение, новость), and give them your views and opinions on the Irish question (и высказываете им ваши взгляды и мнения об ирландском вопросе); but this does not appear to interest them (но это, кажется, не интересует их). All they remark on any subject is (все, что они замечают по любой теме = на все вопросы они отвечают), "Oh!" "Is it?" "Did he?" "Yes," and "You don't say so!" («Вот как?», «Правда?», «Неужели?», «Да?» и «Не может быть/что вы говорите!»). And, after ten minutes of such style of conversation (после десяти минут подобного рода разговора), you edge up to the door, and slip out (вы пробираетесь к двери и незаметно выскальзываете /из комнаты/), and are surprised to find that the door immediately closes behind you (и удивлены обнаружить = с удивлением видите, что дверь тотчас закрывается за вами), and shuts itself, without your having touched it (и захлопывается сама, без вашего усилия: «без того, чтобы вы ее трогали).

Half an hour later, you think you will try a pipe in the conservatory (полчаса спустя вы решаете покурить в зимнем саду; to try — пытаться; пробовать, отведывать). The only chair in the place is occupied by Emily (единственный стул в этом месте = там занят Эмили); and John Edward, if the language of clothes can be relied upon (а Джон Эдвард, если можно полагаться на язык одежды/судя по одежде), has evidently been sitting on the floor (явно сидел на полу). They do not speak, but they give you a look that says all that can be said in a civilised community (они /ничего/ не говорят, но бросают на вас взгляд, который говорит все, что может быть сказано в цивилизованном/воспитанном обществе); and you back out promptly and shut the door behind you (и вы быстро ретируетесь и закрываете за собой дверь; to back out — давать задний ход; отступать /от чего-либо/).

conservatory [kqn`sq:vqtqrI] evidently [`evId(q)ntlI]

You tell them one or two items of news, and give them your views and opinions on the Irish question; but this does not appear to interest them. All they remark on any subject is, "Oh!" "Is it?" "Did he?" "Yes," and "You don't say so!" And, after ten minutes of such style of conversation, you edge up to the door, and slip out, and are surprised to find that the door immediately closes behind you, and shuts itself, without your having touched it.

Half an hour later, you think you will try a pipe in the conservatory. The only chair in the place is occupied by Emily; and John Edward, if the language of clothes can be relied upon, has evidently been sitting on the floor. They do not speak, but they give you a look that says all that can be said in a civilised community; and you back out promptly and shut the door behind you.

You are afraid to poke your nose into any room in the house now (теперь вы боитесь сунуть нос в какую бы то ни было комнату в доме); so, after walking up and down the stairs for a while (и, походив вверх и вниз по лестнице некоторое время), you go and sit in your own bedroom (вы идете в свою собственную спальню и сидите там). This becomes uninteresting, however, after a time (однако через некоторое время это становится скучным), and so you put on your hat and stroll out into the garden (вы надеваете шляпу и выходите прогуляться в сад; to stroll — прогуливаться, бродить, медленно гулять). You walk down the path, and as you pass the summer-house you glance in (вы идете по дорожке и, проходя мимо беседки: «летнего домика», вы заглядываете туда), and there are those two young idiots, huddled up into one corner of it (а там те два молодых идиота, сидят, забившись в угол; to huddle — толпиться, жаться друг к другу, съеживаться); and they see you, and are evidently under the idea that (они видят вас и, видимо, думают: «находятся под мыслью», что), for some wicked purpose of your own, you are following them about (с какой-то нечистой/гнусной целью вы преследуете их).

"Why don't they have a special room for this sort of thing, and make people keep to it (почему тут нет особой комнаты для подобных вещей, и сидели бы там: «и заставили бы их придерживаться ее = находиться там»; to keep to — придерживаться, держаться чего-либо; оставаться /дома или в постели/)?" you mutter (бормочете вы); and you rush back to the hall and get your umbrella and go out (спешите обратно в переднюю, берете свой зонтик и уходите).

You are afraid to poke your nose into any room in the house now; so, after walking up and down the stairs for a while, you go and sit in your own bedroom. This becomes uninteresting, however, after a time, and so you put on your hat and stroll out into the garden. You walk down the path, and as you pass the summer-house you glance in, and there are those two young idiots, huddled up into one corner of it; and they see you, and are evidently under the idea that, for some wicked purpose of your own, you are following them about.

"Why don't they have a special room for this sort of thing, and make people keep to it?" you mutter; and you rush back to the hall and get your umbrella and go out.

It must have been much like this when that foolish boy Henry VIII. was courting his little Anne (должно быть, нечто похожее происходило, когда этот безрассудный мальчишка Генрих Восьмой ухаживал за своей маленькой Анной). People in Buckinghamshire would have come upon them unexpectedly (люди в Бакингемшире наталкивались на них неожиданно) when they were mooning round Windsor and Wraysbury, and have exclaimed, "Oh! you here!" (когда те бродили в Виндзоре и Рэйсбери, и восклицали «А, вы здесь!») and Henry would have blushed and said, "Yes; he'd just come over to see a man;" (а Генрих краснел и говорил: «Да, я только что приехал повидаться с одним человеком») and Anne would have said, "Oh, I'm so glad to see you! Isn't it funny? (а Анна говорила: «Я так рада вас видеть! Разве это не забавно?) I've just met Mr. Henry VIII. in the lane, and he's going the same way I am (я только что встретила мистера Генриха Восьмого на дороге, а он идет в ту же сторону, что и я; lane — узкая дорога, тропинка /особенно между живыми изгородями/; улочка)."

Then those people would have gone away and said to themselves (потом те люди уходили и говорили себе/про себя): "Oh! we'd better get out of here while this billing and cooing is on (лучше убраться отсюда, пока происходит это воркование; to bill and coo — нежничать, ласкать друг друга; ворковать). We'll go down to Kent (поедем в Кент)."

And they would go to Kent, and the first thing they would see in Kent, when they got there (и они отправлялись в Кент, и первое, что они видели в Кенте, когда добирались туда), would be Henry and Anne fooling round Hever Castle (были Генрих с Анной, гулявшие вокруг замка Хивер; to fool round — дурачиться; болтаться без дела).

"Oh, drat this (черт возьми)!" they would have said. "Here, let's go away (эй, давайте уедем). I can't stand any more of it (не могу больше выносить это). Let's go to St. Albans — nice quiet place, St. Albans (давайте поедем в Сент-Олбенс — милое тихое местечко)."

Buckinghamshire [`bAkINqmSIq] castle [`kRs(q)l]

It must have been much like this when that foolish boy Henry VIII. was courting his little Anne. People in Buckinghamshire would have come upon them unexpectedly when they were mooning round Windsor and Wraysbury, and have exclaimed, "Oh! you here!" and Henry would have blushed and said, "Yes; he'd just come over to see a man;" and Anne would have said, "Oh, I'm so glad to see you! Isn't it funny? I've just met Mr. Henry VIII. in the lane, and he's going the same way I am."

Then those people would have gone away and said to themselves: "Oh! we'd better get out of here while this billing and cooing is on. We'll go down to Kent."

And they would go to Kent, and the first thing they would see in Kent, when they got there, would be Henry and Anne fooling round Hever Castle.

"Oh, drat this!" they would have said. "Here, let's go away. I can't stand any more of it. Let's go to St. Albans — nice quiet place, St. Albans."

And when they reached St. Albans, there would be that wretched couple, kissing under the Abbey walls (а когда они достигали Сент-Олбенса, там была эта несчастная пара, целующаяся под стенами аббатства). Then these folks would go and be pirates until the marriage was over (тогда эти люди уходили и становились пиратами /до того времени/, пока не окончится свадьба).

From Picnic Point to Old Windsor Lock is a delightful bit of the river (от мыса Пикник до старого Виндзорского шлюза располагается восхитительный участок реки). A shady road, dotted here and there with dainty little cottages (тенистая дорога, местами усеянная изящными маленькими домиками; here and there — здесь и там, кое-где), runs by the bank up to the "Bells of Ouseley," a picturesque inn (тянется по берегу до «Колоколов Ауслея», живописной гостиницы), as most up-river inns are (как и большинство прибрежных гостиниц /являются живописными/), and a place where a very good glass of ale may be drunk — so Harris says (места, где можно выпить стакан отменного эля — так говорит Гаррис; to drink); and on a matter of this kind you can take Harris's word (а в этом вопросе вы можете поверить Гаррису на слово). Old Windsor is a famous spot in its way (старый Виндзор — в своем роде знаменитое место). Edward the Confessor had a palace here (у Эдуарда Исповедника был здесь дворец; confessor — исповедник; духовник), and here the great Earl Godwin was proved guilty by the justice of that age of having encompassed the death of the King's brother (и здесь судьи того времени доказали, что славный граф Годвин виновен в смерти брата короля; justice — справедливость, правосудие; судья, суд; to encompass — окружать; выполнять, осуществлять). Earl Godwin broke a piece of bread and held it in his hand (граф Годвин отломил кусок хлеба и взял его в руку; to break; to hold).

"If I am guilty (если я виновен)," said the Earl, "may this bread choke me when I eat it (пусть этот хлеб задушит меня = пусть я подавлюсь этим хлебом, когда его съем; to choke — душить; /по/давиться, задыхаться)!"

guilty [`gIltI] folk [fquk]

And when they reached St. Albans, there would be that wretched couple, kissing under the Abbey walls. Then these folks would go and be pirates until the marriage was over.

From Picnic Point to Old Windsor Lock is a delightful bit of the river. A shady road, dotted here and there with dainty little cottages, runs by the bank up to the "Bells of Ouseley," a picturesque inn, as most up-river inns are, and a place where a very good glass of ale may be drunk — so Harris says; and on a matter of this kind you can take Harris's word. Old Windsor is a famous spot in its way. Edward the Confessor had a palace here, and here the great Earl Godwin was proved guilty by the justice of that age of having encompassed the death of the King's brother. Earl Godwin broke a piece of bread and held it in his hand.

"If I am guilty," said the Earl, "may this bread choke me when I eat it!"

Then he put the bread into his mouth and swallowed it (потом он положил хлеб в рот и проглотил его), and it choked him, and he died (подавился им и умер).

After you pass Old Windsor, the river is somewhat uninteresting (после того, как вы проходите Старый Виндзор, река становится несколько неинтересной), and does not become itself again until you are nearing Boveney (и не становится собой снова, пока вы не приблизитесь к Бовени). George and I towed up past the Home Park (мы с Джорджем тянули лодку мимо Хоум-Парка: «домашнего парка»), which stretches along the right bank from Albert to Victoria Bridge (что тянется вдоль правого берега от Альберта до моста Виктории; bridge — мост); and as we were passing Datchet, George asked me if I remembered our first trip up the river (когда мы проходили мимо Дэтчета, Джордж спросил, помню ли я наше первое путешествие/плавание по реке), and when we landed at Datchet at ten o'clock at night, and wanted to go to bed (когда мы высадились в Дэтчете в десять часов вечера и хотели спать).

I answered that I did remember it (я ответил, что, конечно, помню; do — употребляется для усиления значения действия). It will be some time before I forget it (пройдет некоторое время, прежде чем я забуду его = такое не забудешь).

Then he put the bread into his mouth and swallowed it, and it choked him, and he died.

After you pass Old Windsor, the river is somewhat uninteresting, and does not become itself again until you are nearing Boveney. George and I towed up past the Home Park, which stretches along the right bank from Albert to Victoria Bridge; and as we were passing Datchet, George asked me if I remembered our first trip up the river, and when we landed at Datchet at ten o'clock at night, and wanted to go to bed.

I answered that I did remember it. It will be some time before I forget it.

It was the Saturday before the August Bank Holiday (это была суббота перед августовским днем отдыха / последний понедельник августа, официальный выходной день /). We were tired and hungry, we same three (мы были усталыми и голодными, мы трое; same — тот же самый, одинаковый; вышеупомянутый), and when we got to Datchet we took out the hamper (и когда мы добрались до Дэтчета, мы взяли корзину), the two bags, and the rugs and coats, and such like things (два саквояжа, пледы, пальто и тому подобное), and started off to look for diggings (и отправились искать какое-нибудь жилье; digging — копание, раскопки; diggings — рудник, копи; жилье, угол). We passed a very pretty little hotel, with clematis and creeper over the porch (мы проходили мимо очень милой маленькой гостиницы с увитым клематисом и плющом крыльцом; creeper — ползучее растение); but there was no honeysuckle about it, and, for some reason or other (но там не было жимолости, а по какой-то причине), I had got my mind fixed on honeysuckle, and I said (я захотел жимолости и сказал; to fix one`s mind on — остановиться на чем-либо, сосредоточиться):
"Oh, don't let's go in there (давайте не будем заходить сюда)! Let's go on a bit further, and see if there isn't one with honeysuckle over it (пойдем немного дальше и посмотрим, нет ли гостиницы с жимолостью)."

So we went on till we came to another hotel (и мы пошли дальше, пока не пришли к еще одной гостинице). That was a very nice hotel, too, and it had honey-suckle on it, round at the side (это тоже была очень славная гостиница, и на ней вилась жимолость, сбоку); but Harris did not like the look of a man who was leaning against the front door (но Гаррису не понравился вид человека, который /стоял/, прислонившись к парадной двери). He said he didn't look a nice man at all (он сказал, что тот вообще не выглядит приятным человеком), and he wore ugly boots: so we went on further (и носит ужасные ботинки — поэтому мы отправились дальше; to wear). We went a goodish way without coming across any more hotels (мы проделали порядочный путь, и нам больше не встретилось ни одной гостиницы; to come across — случайно встретиться, натолкнуться), and then we met a man, and asked him to direct us to a few (а потом мы встретили человека и попросили его указать нам дорогу к каким-нибудь отелям; to direct — направлять; подсказывать; указывать дорогу).

clematis [`klemqtIs] honeysuckle [`hAnI,sAkl]

It was the Saturday before the August Bank Holiday. We were tired and hungry, we same three, and when we got to Datchet we took out the hamper, the two bags, and the rugs and coats, and such like things, and started off to look for diggings. We passed a very pretty little hotel, with clematis and creeper over the porch; but there was no honeysuckle about it, and, for some reason or other, I had got my mind fixed on honeysuckle, and I said:
"Oh, don't let's go in there! Let's go on a bit further, and see if there isn't one with honeysuckle over it."

So we went on till we came to another hotel. That was a very nice hotel, too, and it had honey-suckle on it, round at the side; but Harris did not like the look of a man who was leaning against the front door. He said he didn't look a nice man at all, and he wore ugly boots: so we went on further. We went a goodish way without coming across any more hotels, and then we met a man, and asked him to direct us to a few.

He said:
"Why, you are coming away from them (да вы уходите от них). You must turn right round and go back, and then you will come to the Stag (вам нужно повернуться кругом, и тогда вы придете к «Оленю»; stag — олень-самец /достигший пяти лет/)."

We said:
"Oh, we had been there, and didn't like it — no honeysuckle over it (мы там были, и нам не понравилось — нет жимолости)."

"Well, then (ну тогда)," he said, "there's the Manor House, just opposite (есть «Помещичий дом/Особняк» — как раз напротив). Have you tried that (вы заходили туда: «пробовали то»)?"

Harris replied that we did not want to go there (Гаррис ответил, что мы не захотели заходить туда) — didn't like the looks of a man who was stopping there (не понравилась наружность человека, который стоял там) — Harris did not like the colour of his hair, didn't like his boots, either (Гаррису не понравился цвет его волос и его ботинки).

manor [`mxnq] colour [`kAlq]

He said:
"Why, you are coming away from them. You must turn right round and go back, and then you will come to the Stag."

We said:
"Oh, we had been there, and didn't like it — no honeysuckle over it."

"Well, then," he said, "there's the Manor House, just opposite. Have you tried that?"

Harris replied that we did not want to go there — didn't like the looks of a man who was stopping there — Harris did not like the colour of his hair, didn't like his boots, either.

"Well, I don't know what you'll do, I'm sure (ну, не знаю, что вам делать)," said our informant (сказал наш информант); "because they are the only two inns in the place (потому что они — единственные две гостиницы в этой местности; place — место; город; местность)."

"No other inns (нет других гостиниц)!" exclaimed Harris (воскликнул Гаррис).

"None (никаких)," replied the man.

"What on earth are we to do (что же нам делать)?" cried Harris.

Then George spoke up (тут высказался Джордж; to speak up). He said Harris and I could get an hotel built for us, if we liked (он сказал, мы с Гаррисом можем сказать, чтобы для нас построили /новую/ гостиницу, если хотим; to build), and have some people made to put in (и чтобы наняли персонал; to put in — вставлять, сажать; ставить, назначать на должность). For his part, he was going back to the Stag (что касается его, он возвращается в «Олень»).

"Well, I don't know what you'll do, I'm sure," said our informant; "because they are the only two inns in the place."

"No other inns!" exclaimed Harris.

"None," replied the man.

"What on earth are we to do?" cried Harris.

Then George spoke up. He said Harris and I could get an hotel built for us, if we liked, and have some people made to put in. For his part, he was going back to the Stag.

The greatest minds never realise their ideals in any matter (величайшие умы никогда не воплощают свои идеалы ни в чем); and Harris and I sighed over the hollowness of all earthly desires, and followed George (мы с Гаррисом вздохнули о суетности всех земных желаний и последовали за Джорджем; hollowness — пустота; лживость; суетность, бренность; hollow — полый).

We took our traps into the Stag, and laid them down in the hall (мы внесли наши пожитки в «Олень» и положили их в вестибюле; trap — капкан, ловушка; traps — личные вещи, багаж, пожитки).

The landlord came up and said (хозяин подошел и сказал):
"Good evening, gentlemen (добрый вечер, джентльмены)."

"Oh, good evening," said George; "we want three beds, please (нам нужны три кровати, пожалуйста)."

"Very sorry, sir (очень сожалею, сэр)," said the landlord; "but I'm afraid we can't manage it (но боюсь, мы не можем это устроить)."

"Oh, well, never mind (что ж, это ничего; never mind — ничего, неважно, не беспокойтесь, не беда)," said George, "two will do (пойдет и две). Two of us can sleep in one bed, can't we (двое из нас могут спать в одной кровати, да)?" he continued, turning to Harris and me (продолжал он, поворачиваясь ко мне с Гаррисом).

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The greatest minds never realise their ideals in any matter; and Harris and I sighed over the hollowness of all earthly desires, and followed George.

We took our traps into the Stag, and laid them down in the hall.

The landlord came up and said:
"Good evening, gentlemen."

"Oh, good evening," said George; "we want three beds, please."

"Very sorry, sir," said the landlord; "but I'm afraid we can't manage it."

"Oh, well, never mind," said George, "two will do. Two of us can sleep in one bed, can't we?" he continued, turning to Harris and me.

Harris said, "Oh, yes;" he thought George and I could sleep in one bed very easily (он думал, что мы с Джорджем можем легко спать в одной кровати).

"Very sorry, sir," again repeated the landlord (снова повторил хозяин): "but we really haven't got a bed vacant in the whole house (но у нас действительно нет ни одной свободной кровати во всем доме). In fact, we are putting two, and even three gentlemen in one bed, as it is (более того, мы и так уже укладываем по два, даже по три джентльмена в одну кровать; as it is — и так уже, и без того)."

This staggered us for a bit (это немного ошеломило нас; to stagger — шататься; пошатнуть; потрясать, поражать; ошеломлять).

But Harris, who is an old traveller, rose to the occasion (но Гаррис, старый путешественник, оказался на высоте /положения/), and, laughing cheerily, said (и, весело смеясь, сказал):
"Oh, well, we can't help it (ну, ничего не поделаешь). We must rough it (мы должны пойти на неудобство; rough — грубый, жесткий; суровый, лишенный комфорта). You must give us a shake-down in the billiard-room (вы должны устроить нас в бильярдной; to shake down — постилать /на полу — одеяло, солому и др./, устраивать постель)."

Harris said, "Oh, yes;" he thought George and I could sleep in one bed very easily.

"Very sorry, sir," again repeated the landlord: "but we really haven't got a bed vacant in the whole house. In fact, we are putting two, and even three gentlemen in one bed, as it is."

This staggered us for a bit.

But Harris, who is an old traveller, rose to the occasion, and, laughing cheerily, said:
"Oh, well, we can't help it. We must rough it. You must give us a shake-down in the billiard-room."

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 130 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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