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At a petrol station

Motorist: Might I have a full tank, please?

Clerk: What kind of petrol do you need? Regular, unleaded or premium?

Motorist: Unleaded, please. Here is the key to the tank.

Clerk: Would you like me to check the oil for you?

Motorist: Yes, please. And the tyres, will you?

Clerk: Certainly, madam. Might I ask you to open the hood for me?

Motorist: Oh, I'm not sure if I can do it.

Clerk: There's a lever inside there... thanks. Now — the tyres... they are a bit low on air, I'm afraid...

Motorist: How much do I owe you?

Clerk: That'll be 18 pounds worth.

Motorist: Here you are.

Clerk: Thank you. Happy journey.


1st motorist: What the hell do you think you’re doing?

2nd motorist: Sorry, I didn’t see your turning signal until it was too late to stop.

1st motorist(turning to you): Hey, did you see what happened?

You: Yes, I think so. Why?

1st motorist: I’m going to call the police. You can tell them what you saw. This jerk ran right in to me. Look at my bumper! It’ll cost $ 1,000 to fix.

2nd motorist: Calm down. It was just one of those things. I have insurance.

You: I really don’t want to get involved. I’m from out of town.

(A police officer arrives to investigate the accident. The two motorists explain what happened. The officer turns to you)

Officer: You’re a witness, right? Can I have your name, address, and phone number?

You: Yes, I saw what happened. Here’s my passport. I’m not an American citizen. I’ve come to Chicago on business. Here’s a contact number if you need to get in touch.


Vicki: Oh, hello, Jane, haven’t seen you for ages!

Jane: Hi, Vicki, how are you?

Vicki: Fine! Do you remember my sister, Mollie?

Jane: Nice to meet you, Mollie!

Mollie: Nice to meet you, Jane! Can you tell us where the History Museum is?

Jane: Sure! Go up the street, turn left, go past the park and you see it on the rightside of the road.

Mollie: Thanks a lot!

Vicki: Why don’t you go with us? There is an interesting excursion about dinosaurs there!

Jane: I’m sorry, I can’t! I must be at home at 5, today is my mum’s birthday!

Vicki: Well… see you later!

Mollie: Bye!

Jane: Bye!


Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 268 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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