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Exercise 11. Complete the dialogue with «some, any, no»

Michael: Adam, have we got... (1) eggs?

Adam: No, I don’t think so.

Michael: Look in the fridge.

Adam: No, there are... (2) eggs here.

Michael: What about milk?

Adam: No, we haven’t got... (3) milk. We finished it last night.

Michael: And I suppose we haven’t got... (4) sugar either!

Adam: What do you want to make?

Michael: I want to make... (5) cakes!

Adam: Well, you can’t! Have another cup of tea and a biscuit.

Exercise 12. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Я встречаюсь с Нэнси завтра в 9 часов.

2. Как раз сейчас они путешествуют по Франции.

3. Ты занимаешься сейчас домашними делами? – Да.

4. Вы сейчас обедаете? – Нет. Мы не обедаем.

5. Мы с братом в данный момент слушаем новости.

6. Она не может подойти к телефону, так как моет голову.

7. Он изучает физику в университете.

8. Что ты делаешь? – В данный момент иду по улице. – А откуда идешь?

9. Что эти люди здесь делают? – Стоят и ждут автобус.

10. Хочешь кофе?

11. У тебя есть что-нибудь почитать?

12. Где Джим? – Он гуляет с собакой.


Task 1. Look at the picture, please.

1. The sun is shining.

2. Mother is reading a book.

3. Father is drinking a glass of beer.

4. The baby is sitting under the table.

5. The girl is eating an apple.

6. The boy is jumping over the chair.

7. The man is fishing in the river.

8. The cows are standing under the tree.

9. The boys are climbing up the tree.

10. The girls are playing with the ball.

Now answer the questions:

1. What is father doing?

2. Who is jumping over the chair?

3. Are the boys playing with the ball?

4. Is the man swimming in the river?

5. Is the baby sitting on the table?

6. Is the girl eating a banana?

7. Who is fishing in the river?

8. Who is reading a book?

9. Who are climbing up the tree?

10. Is there one chair?

11. Are there three cows under the tree?

12. What has father in his hand?

13. What has the girl in her hand?

14. Is the sun shining?

15. Is the bottle under the table?

16. Is the butterfly under the tree?

17. Are there three boys in the tree?

Task 2. Do you think it’s important to have a true friend nearby when you are on holiday?


Grammar:     Texts:   Dialogue: 1. The Present Simple Tense and the Present Continuous Tense 2. Quantitative Pronouns 1. «A Long Day’s Journey into Work» 2. «Working Day» 1. «Tea For Two»

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 813 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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