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Drill 11. Is this my bicycle?

· Yes, that’s your bicycle.

1. friend 2. car 3. bicycle 4. moped 5. book 6. ticket 7. bus 8. garbage can 9. fence 10. street

Drill 12. A. Whose book is this? (my)

· It’s my book.

1. Whose car is this? (his)

2. Whose dictionary is this? (yours)

3. Whose chair is this? (my)

4. Whose bicycle is this? (her)

5. Whose dog is this? (our)

6. Whose moped is this? (his)

7. Whose house is this? (their)

B. That’s my pen.

· It’s mine

1. That’s your table. It’s......

2. That’s his exercise book. It’s......

3. That’s my car. It’s......

4. That’s their cat. It’s......

5. That’s his taxi. It’s......

6. That’s your book. It’s......

7. That’s our flat. It’s......

Vocabulary and Comprehension Exercises

Exercise 1. (Text 1) Answer the questions with a sentence from the text.

1. Is litter a problem in our cities?

2. Is litter ugly?

3. Are papers difficult to catch?

4. Is a fence sometimes a wall of garbage?

5. Is litter against the law?

6. Do people always put their garbage in the garbage cans?

7. Does litter make the city look ugly?

8. Does litter spoil the view?

9. Does the wind blow papers far away?

10. Do food and garbage bring animals?

11. Do animals sometimes carry disease?

12. Do people want to control litter?

13. Does the law punish litter bugs?

14. Do they usually pay a fine?

Exercise 2. (Text 2)

A. Are the sentences true or false?

1. The Palace is more than two hundred years old. 2. It is famous because it is in the centre of London. 3. The same person starts the Queen’s bath, prepares her clothes, and feeds the dogs. 4. The dogs sleep in the Queen’s bedroom. 5. The Queen and the Prime Minister go out for a drink on Tuesday nights.

B. Answer the questions:

1. «Buckingham Palace is two places, not one». How? 2. Why is it like a small town? 3. Are there a lot of clocks? 4. How many dogs does the Queen have? 5. What newspaper does she read? 6. What sort of music does the piper play? 7. Why do people have five glasses on the table? 8. Who does the Queen speak to during a meal? 9. What happens when the Queen finishes her food?

Exercise 3. (Text 3) Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.

1. Many British people have a big breakfast.

2. People often have cereal or toast for breakfast.

3. Marmalade is different from jam.

4. People drink tea with hot milk.

5. All British people have a hot lunch.

6. British people eat dinner late in the evening.

7. Sunday lunch is a special meal.

Exercise 4. (Dialogue) Answer the questions:

1. Is London a very interesting town?

2. Where are Harold and Nancy?

3. What car is it? Is it a Rolls Royce?

4. Is Rolls Royce a very good car?

5. Is it a good idea to go to Trafalgar Square?

Exercise 5. Dictation-translation.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 578 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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