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12 страница. "Your father is dead," he replied somberly (твой отец мертв, — ответил он хмуро)

"Your father is dead," he replied somberly (твой отец мертв, — ответил он хмуро). "Why should he go to Hades (почему он должен отправиться в Гадес)? You have it confused with another place that was abolished long ago (ты спутала его с другим местом, которое давным-давно упразднили; to abolish — разрушать, уничтожать; отменять, упразднять)."

liable ['laIqbl], handkerchief ['hxNkqCIf], abolish [q'bOlIS]

"Well, what's the matter with Hades?"

"If I come home with a wife at my age my father is just as liable as not to cut me off with a hot coal, as they say down there."

Jasmine spoke up.

"I love washing," she said quietly. "I have always washed my own handkerchiefs. I'll take in laundry and support you both."

"Do they have washwomen in Hades?" asked Kismine innocently.

"Of course," answered John. "It's just like anywhere else."

"I thought — perhaps it was too hot to wear any clothes."

John laughed.

"Just try it!" he suggested. "They'll run you out before you're half started."

"Will father be there?" she asked.

John turned to her in astonishment.

"Your father is dead," he replied somberly. "Why should he go to Hades? You have it confused with another place that was abolished long ago."

After supper they folded up the table-cloth (после ужина они свернули скатерть) and spread their blankets for the night (и расстелили одеяла на ночь).

"What a dream it was," Kismine sighed, gazing up at the stars (какой это был сон, — вздохнула Кисмин, глядя вверх на звезды). "How strange it seems to be here with one dress and a penniless fiancé (как странно находиться здесь с одним /единственным/ платьем и женихом, у которого нет ни гроша; penniless — без гроша, безденежный)!"

"Under the stars," she repeated (под звездами, — повторяла она). "I never noticed the stars before (я никогда не замечала звезд прежде). I always thought of them as great big diamonds that belonged to some one (я всегда думала о них, как о большущих алмазах, которые кому-то принадлежат). Now they frighten me (теперь они меня пугают). They make me feel (из-за них мне кажется: «они заставляют меня чувствовать») that it was all a dream, all my youth (что все это было сном — вся моя юность)."

"It was a dream," said John quietly (это /и/ был сон, — спокойно сказал Джон). "Everybody's youth is a dream (юность любого человека — /это/ сон), a form of chemical madness (разновидность химического безумия; т.е. из-за особых /возрастных/ химических процессов в организме)."

penniless ['penIlIs], fiancé [fI'OnseI], [fI'RnseI], chemical ['kemIk(q)l]

After supper they folded up the table-cloth and spread their blankets for the night.

"What a dream it was," Kismine sighed, gazing up at the stars. "How strange it seems to be here with one dress and a penniless fiancé!"

"Under the stars," she repeated. "I never noticed the stars before. I always thought of them as great big diamonds that belonged to some one. Now they frighten me. They make me feel that it was all a dream, all my youth."

"It was a dream," said John quietly. "Everybody's youth is a dream, a form of chemical madness."

"How pleasant then to be insane (как приятно тогда быть сумаcшедшей)!"

"So I'm told," said John gloomily (так мне говорили, — хмуро сказал Джон). "I don't know any longer (я теперь: «больше/дольше» не знаю). At any rate, let us love for a while, for a year or so, you and me (во всяком случае, давай /будем/ любить /друг друга/ какое-то время, может год: «год или около того», ты и я). That's a form of divine drunkenness (это форма божественного опьянения) that we can all try (которую все могут испробовать/испытать). There are only diamonds in the whole world (в целом мире существуют только алмазы), diamonds and perhaps the shabby gift of disillusion (алмазы и, может быть, убогий дар разочарования). Well, I have that last (что ж, второе: «последнее /из названного/» у меня есть) and I will make the usual nothing of it (и, как водится, я им не воспользуюсь; make nothing of smth. — не воспользоваться чем-л., никак не использовать чего-л.; usual — обыкновенный, обычный)." He shivered (поежился). "Turn up your coat collar, little girl (подними: «поверни вверх» воротник пальто, девочка), the night's full of chill (ночь холодная: «полна прохлады») and you'll get pneumonia (ты получишь = схватишь воспаление легких). His was a great sin who first invented consciousness (велик грех того, кто первый изобрел/придумал сознание). Let us lose it for a few hours (давайте потеряем его на несколько часов)."

So wrapping himself in his blanket he fell off to sleep (и завернувшись в одеяло, он заснул).

shiver ['SIvq], pneumonia [njH'mqVnIq], consciousness ['kOnSqsnqs]

"How pleasant then to be insane!"

"So I'm told," said John gloomily. "I don't know any longer. At any rate, let us love for a while, for a year or so, you and me. That's a form of divine drunkenness that we can all try. There are only diamonds in the whole world, diamonds and perhaps the shabby gift of disillusion. Well, I have that last and I will make the usual nothing of it." He shivered. "Turn up your coat collar, little girl, the night's full of chill and you'll get pneumonia. His was a great sin who first invented consciousness. Let us lose it for a few hours."

So wrapping himself in his blanket he fell off to sleep.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 180 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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