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Talented Sportswoman

The great future is meant for Tatyana Chernova, eminent Kuban sportswamen. Chernova went in for sports in early childhood. She gave special attention to athletics.

The gymnast climbed to her first great success in 2005, when she won the World Athletics Junior Championship in helpathlon. The next year Chernova repeated her success and again took the first place at the Heptathlon World Championship. And it was only the beginning.

In 2008 the athlete successfully passed the athletics qualification and became the member of the Russian team for participation in Beijing Summer Olympic Games. When she achieved her dream and for the first time appeared at the grand sport festival, Tatyana made all her best and got the bronze medal.

According to experts, Tatyana is a persistent and talented sportswoman. If she tries so hard in future, she will be very close to the top of the sport Olympus-the gold medal of the Games.

We may go on telling about our champions, medalists and participants of the Olympic Games for a long time and it will take far from one page of our newspaper. Therefore we decided to remind you only about some of Kuban Olympic stars.



Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 473 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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