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The Olympic Ceremonies

Opening ceremonies climax with the lighting of the Olympic Flame.

The ceremonies typically start with the hoisting of the host country's flag and the performing of its national anthem. The traditional part of the ceremonies starts with a "parade of nations" (or of athletes), during which most participating athletes march into the stadium, country by country. One honoured athlete, typically a top competitor, from each country carries the flag of his or her nation, leading the entourage of other athletes from that country.

Traditionally (starting at the 1928 Summer Olympics') Greece marches first, because of its historical status as the origin of the Olympics, while the host nation marches last.

After all nations have entered the host country's Head of State, formally opens the Olympics.

Next, the Olympic Flag is carried horizontally into the stadium and hoisted as the Olympic Anthem is played. Finally, the Torch is brought into the stadium, passed from athlete to athlete, until it reaches the last carrier of the Torch, often a well-known athlete from the host nation, who lights the fire in the stadium's cauldron.

Various traditional elements also frame the closing ceremonies of an Olympic Games, which take place after all of the events have concluded. Flag bearers from each participating delegation enter the stadium in single file, but behind them march all of the athletes.

Three national flags are each hoisted onto flagpoles one at a time while their respective national anthems are played: The flag of Greece on the right-hand pole (again honoring the birthplace of the Olympic Games), the flag of the host country on the middle pole, and finally the flag of the host country of the next Summer or Winter Olympic Games, on the left-hand pole.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 810 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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