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Geomatics has redefined the surveying technology of the last quarter of the twentieth century, and it is still undergoing revolutionary progress. This science encompasses a large variety of earth mapping techniques, including Global Navigation Satellite Systems, remote sensing, and photogrammetry. Geomatics is a progressive field that integrates acquirement, modelling, study and managing of data. It uses global, maritime, aerial and satellite based sensors to obtain data. It then transforms the data obtained from different resources into selected information systems. The associated field of hydrogeomatics involves geomatics for surveying on, below, or above the sea surface or other water bodies.

The fast progression and extensive operation of geomatics is due to the advancement in computer technology, software engineering, and computer science. Space sensing technologies have also contributed immensely in the growth of geomatics. Several universities have gone so far as to replace the names of their survey departments with geomatics or geomatic engineering.

The major disciplines of geomatics include:

· Mapping · Navigation · Geodesy · Remote Sensing · Global Positioning System · Photogrammetry · Airborne Laser Scanning · Geospatial · Digital Terrain Modelling · Hydrography

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 402 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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