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Match the words to their definitions and give their Ukrainian equivalents

1) biotechnology 2) crossbreeding s) offspring 4) trait 5) nutrient   a) a characteristic feature or quality b) the branch of technology that utilizes living organisms or biological systems to modify humans and their environment c) any substance that nourishes an organism d) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids e) a person’s child or an animal’s baby

3. Match the adjectives with similar meanings:

1) resistant 2) vulnerable 3) beneficial 4) harmful 5) nutritious 6) available a) defenceless b) advantageous c) accessible d) bad e) firm f) nourishing

Match the beginning of the sentence in A with its ending in B.


1) The use of biotechnology techniques in agriculture is known as …

2) Humans have been making use of biotechnology …

3) The most primitive examples of biotechnology include …

4) Animal breeding is also …

5) A major part of agriculture research involves …

6) Biotechnology can also improve …


a) … the breeding of dogs and using yeast to make bread rise.

b) … a form of biotechnology.

c) … agricultural biotechnology.

d) … the nutritional value of food and improve it's appearance and taste.

e) … since they discovered farming.

f) … transforming the genetic structure of the crops.

READING AND speaking

Read the following text.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 525 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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