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The sentences below may help you

1 2 3 4 5

football boxing motor-racing surfing running

tennis water polo cycling football swimming

baseball basketball rollerblading swimming surfing

rugby golf golf water polo cycling

Now complete the sentences and fill in the numbers of the groups above.

They all use a ball except ________ Group 

They are all team sports except _________ Group 

They are all water sports except _________ Group 

They are all Olympic sports except _________ Group 

They are all on wheels except _________ Group 

Ex. 7. You are listening to sport on the radio and you hear these words. Which sports do they refer to? Choose from the sports in the box.

1 '... acorner taken by Neville. A lovely header by De Vito and -yes - it's a goal!'

2 '... with just 70 metres to go, Princess Grace is winning. She is a 2-year-old from

Ireland and she is running very well indeed.'

3 '... that was Hans Schiele in the Ferrari doing 187 miles an hour down the straight.'

4 '... Manuel Escobar is on his third shot here at the 17th hole. He is trying to get the ball out of the long grass.'

5.'... the score is 15-40 in this fifth game. Miss Wilson won the first set, but her service is giving her a lot of problems at the moment...'

6 '... the French team are playing with only 14 men. Bouchama has just scored another try, and the score is 28-12. Dutronc kicks the ball forward...'

boxing cycling football golf high jump hockey horse-racing ice-hockey motor-racing running rugby surfing tennis water polo

Ex. 8. Olympic Find It! Quiz

1. This word starts with a “G”. It is the name of the country where the Olympic Games Began in ancient times.

2. This word starts with an “A”. It is the name of someone who excels at a sport.

3. This word starts with a “T”. It is an object that carries a flame.

4. This word starts with an “S” It is a large building in which many sports events are held.

5. this word starts with an “S”. It is a hot season of the year in which some Olympic Games are held.

6. This word starts with a “W”. It is a cold season of the year in which some Olympic Games are held.

7. This word starts with an “F”. It is the number of rings in the Olympic Flag.

8. This word starts with an “M”. It is an award given to the top three people in each event in the Olympics.

9. This word starts with a “G”. It is a precious metal. The top athlete in each event receives an object coated with this metal.

10. This word starts with an “S”. It is valuable metal. The second-best athlete in each event receives an object coated with this metal.

11. This word starts with a “B”. It is a metal alloy. The third-best athlete in each event receives an object coated with this metal.

12. This word starts with a “B”. It is a team sport that involves a big orange ball and a hoop. It is included in the summer Olympics.

13. This word starts with a “B”. It is a team sport that involves a small white ball and a bat. It is included in the summer Olympics.

14. This word starts with a “I”. In the Winter Olympic games, you see figure skaters and hockey skaters wearing these on their feet.

15. This word starts with an “I”. It is the name of the country that hosted the 2006 winter Olympic Games.

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