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Complex Object (объектный падеж с инфинитивом)

Глагол существительное (общий падеж) (сказуемое+ + Infinitive в действитель- местоимение (объектный падеж) ном залоге)  
Глагол-сказуемое Примеры Перевод
1.(в действительном залоге) Глаголы, выражающие восприятие посредством органов чувств: to see; to hear; to watch; to observe – наблюдать; to notice – замечать; to feel (инфинитив без частицы to)   The professor saw the students (them) carry out the laboratory work.   We heard them discuss a new lecture in geometry. Профессор видел, что студенты (они) выполняли лабораторную работу. Мы слышали, что они обсуждали новую лекцию по геометрии.
2. Глаголы, выражающие желание: to want, to wish; to desire; to like; to hate; to require – требовать от кого-либо что-либо; should (would) like – хотел бы; to enable – давать возможность They required us to take an examination in time.   He’d like his colleagues (them) to complete the experiment soon. От нас потребовали, чтобы мы сдали экзамен вовремя. Он хотел бы, чтобы его коллеги (они) скоро закончили эксперимент.
3. Глаголы, выражающие предположение: to think, to suppose – полагать, to consider полагать, to believe считать to find – находить, призна вать; to expect – ожидать, рас- считывать; to prove – доказывать; to assume – допускать. The teachers believe first-year students to study English with great pleasure.   The experiment proved the scientist’s assumption to be valid Преподаватели полагают, что первокурсники изучают английский язык с большим удовольствием. Эксперимент доказал, что предположение ученого верно.
4. Глаголы, выражающие приказание, просьбу, разрешение, принуждение: to make – заставлять; to force to let – позволять; to allow – разрешать to permit to compel – вынуждать make/let + infinitive without to The teacher made the students do the translation. Let us take the value of the unknowns to be equal to a and b.   The Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty enabled its graduates (them) to get decent jobs. Учитель заставил студентов сделать перевод. Давайте примем значение неизвестных равными a и b. Мех-мат дает возможность своим выпуск-никам получить достойную работу.

Ex 1. Replace the Object Clause with the Complex Object. Follow the models.

Model 1: I want to measure this line with a meter. (he)

I want him to measure the line with a meter.

1. They want to complete this experiment as soon as possible. (she)

2. The supervisor requires to write this thesis in three years. (we)

3. The teacher expects to speak at the students’ conference. (they)

4. I want to assign the letter X to the vertical line. (you)

5. I should like to draw a circle. (he)

6. She means first to inscribe a square. (we)

7. They expect to extend the line in one direction. (I)

8. We desire to speak on the properties of this circle. (she)

9. They would like to inscribe a square in a circle. (we)

Model 2: We believe that the experiment is of great importance.

We believe the experiment to be of great importance.

1. The teacher knows that they intersect two-number lines at the zero point.

2. I know that they have solved the equation easily.

3. The professor watches that his students carry out the experiments carefully.

4. I expect that they describe the circle in more details.

5. He believes that she designates a circle by a special symbol.

6. We know that mathematics has become man’s second language.

7. They heard that the scientists had discussed a new theory.

Ex 2. In the sentences to follow look for the Complex Object and then translate them into Russian.

1. We know all points on the circle to be equidistant from the center point.

2. They can assume a line to be defined as an infinitely large set of points.

3. The teacher heard them discuss a new theorem.

4. We consider both theories to be necessary, though they are contradictory.

5. I expect this equation to have a different solution.

6. Some prominent scientists believe many problems of maths to be solved in the 21st century.

7. We want the students to learn and revise the rules regularly not only before the exams.

8. The professor desired his postgraduate student to apply a new method of investigation.

9. We watched the professor (him) draw a new axis in order to prove the theorem considered.

10. They expected a solution to be found as soon as possible.

11. Mathematicians have found the ratio of the circumference to a diameter to be the same for all circles.

12. They didn’t expect trigonometric functions to be so complicated.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-28; Прочитано: 587 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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