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Vocabulary. 1. Transcribe the words:

1. Transcribe the words:

hypothetical, exploration, scientist, theoretician, calculus, trigonometry, imaginative, experience, gravity, satellite, resistance, gasoline, atomic

2. Match the words from the texts (1-5) with their synonyms (A-E):

  spherical A faraway
  obvious B ball-shaped
  imaginative C usual
  distant D creative
  conventional E evident

3. Match the words from the texts (1-10) with the definitions (A-J):

  gravity A a device used for storing direct current electricity
  theoretician B the section of an aircraft which contains the pilot, instruments and flight controls
  landing gear C a sudden good idea
  cockpit D the natural force by which objects are attracted to each other, especially that by which a large mass pulls a smaller one to it
  altitude E an aircraft with only one wing on each side
  inspiration F the pushing power of an aircraft engine which makes the plane move forward
  battery G the height of an object or place above sea level
  monoplane H an instrument that guides aircraft, spacecraft, or ships without needing human operation
  thrust I the extendable wheel and leg assembly usually mounted beneath the wings which, together with the nosewheel, enables it to land safely
  autopilot J a person who forms or studies the theory of a subject

4. Explain in English and translate the words and expressions into Russian:

verst, differential calculus, weightless, artificial Earth satellite, free space, zero-gravity, air resistance, heavens, interplanetary ships, liquid-fuelled rockers

5. Find in the texts the English equivalents for the following expressions:

(1) учёный-самоучка, (2) овладеть высшей математикой, (3) слуховой аппарат, 4) история не даёт нам ключа к разгадке, (5) погружённый в размышления, (6) реактивный межпланетный космический корабль, (7) перегрузка, (8) запускать ракету, (9) совершить мягкую посадку, (10) предсказывать, 11) далёкие космические путешествия, (12) многоступенчатая ракета, (13) замкнутый экологический цикл, (14) пополнить запасы воздуха и воды, (15) конструкция космического корабля

Дата публикования: 2015-02-28; Прочитано: 1138 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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