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B. I hope not

If it’s a hot spring, our classroom will be very warm.

And if our classroom is very warm, it’ll be impossible to study English!

A. You’re right I hope it isn’t a hot spring.

1. - Do you think the train will be verycrowded?

- I hope not. If …………, we’ll have to stand.

And if …………, we’ll be exhausted by the timewe get to work!

- You are right. I hope ……………

2. - Do you think the boss will retire this year?

- I hope not. If ……………, his son will take his place. And if ………., everybody will quit!

- You are right. I hope ………………!

3. - Do you think inflation will get worse this year?

- I hope not. If ……………, I’ll have to take a secondjob.

- And if …………….., my family will be very upset.

- You are right. I hope …………….

Express your hope that the following things will not happen, and say what will be if they happen. Use the above dialogs as a model:

It will be very cold tonight.

It’ll rain tomorrow.

The bus will be late today.

The landlord will raise the rent for the apartment.

The TV set will be at the repair shop for a long time.

John will skip his class in physics.

The car won’t start in the morning.

We will fail at the examination.

The President will retire from his office.

The personnel will be fired.

Exercise 4. Mrs. Pratt is packing to go on holiday in Austria. She takes a lot of useful things along with her, just in case. Make sentences according to the model:

She takes a German phrase book in case the hotel staff doesn’t speak English.


A pack of cards, a racket, a thick sweater, a swimsuit, aspirins, binoculars, her address books, some books, walking boots…

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 407 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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