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I saw him enter the room

1. He saw Sue. She crossed the street.

2. I will let you. You will use my car.

3. I haven’t heard him. He called my name.

4. We didn’t notice them. They passed by.

5. He saw a man. The man pulled the door open.

6. He is the brightest student. I know it.

7. Somebody touched me on the shoulder. I felt it.

8. Nick called me. I heard it.

9. I noticed it. She quietly left the room.

10. She is a nice girl. I know it.

11. Our group is friendly. I think so.

Exercise 10. Complete these sentences.

1. I want you to...

2. I know him to...

3. I made her...

4. Let him...

5. We saw them..

6. Nick felt somebody...

7. They heard her..

8. My parents would like me to...

9. We didn't expect them to...

10. My sister asked me to...

Exercise 11. Change the following sentences using ‘to be likely’; ‘to be unlikely’. Translate them into Russian.

Pattern: He may (not) come soon.

He is likely (unlikely) to come soon.

We may have a good time at the party tonight.

He may not follow my recommendation.

You can miss the beginning of the performance if you don’t hurry.

The company may be doing a new play in autumn.

He may not be invited to the official opening of the Olympic Games.

He may be doing history at University next year.

You may not remember his name.

Exercise 12. Say the person (or thing) proved to be (turned out to be) the following:

Pattern: The new secretary (to be helpful).

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 678 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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