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Part 2: short-answer question

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2.1. The free end of the string is made to oscillate with frequency f such that a stationary wave is established on the string. The diagram below illustrates the standing wave.[EG1]

Explain, by reference to the principle of superposition, the formation of a stationary wave. (1)

2.2. Why microwaves ovens have turntable or rotating plate?[EG2] (1)

2.3. Give two (2) conditions required it two source interference fringe are to be observe.[EG3] (2)

2.4. A star can be classified in terms of luminosity. Define luminosity[EG4]. (1)

Luminosity – the amount of energy radiated by the star per second

2.5. What is meant by the term absolute magnitude of a star?[EG5] (1)

Вопрос который мы не нашли в слайдах. Найдите сами в интернете.

2.6. A parallax method is used to define a common unit of distance in Astronomy, the parsec. Define parsec.[EG6] (1)

Parsec is another convenient unit for measuring large distance

[Total: 7 ]

Дата публикования: 2015-01-26; Прочитано: 164 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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