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Before reading the text, revise the following grammar material and do the exercise

· Fist Conditional Sentences (§3) · Second Conditional Sentences (§4)

9. Underline the correct form of the verb and translate the sentences:

  1. If system software were not/ was not/is not a permanent component of the computer, it wouldn’t/ does not control its fundamental function.
  2. If operation system provide/ provides/ will provide a graphical user interface, it will make/ would make/ makes the application software easier to use.
  3. If a database system won’t include/ doesn’t include/ didn’t include programs, it isn’t possible/ wasn’t possible/ won’t possible to allow multiple users to access the files concurrently.
  4. While the oldest models of computers uses/ used/ use on embedded operating system, it can be contained on a compact disk or other data storage devices.
  5. After we debug/ will debug/ debugs the program, it will eliminate programming mistakes called bugs.
  6. As for as the software’s specification and a detailed description of the required tasks was created/ is created/ will be created, it will instruct the computer to perform those tasks.
  7. If we manage/ can manage/ managed to store endless amounts of data, probably, it wouldn’t be necessary to have such hard storage devices we have now.
  8. Even if a program works/ will work/ worked correctly it will have bugs, if it is slower or less efficient that it would be.
  9. If the name “UNIX” wasn’t/ weren’t/ isn’t a trademark of The Open Group, it wouldn’t license it for use with any operating system that has been shown to conform to their definitions.
  10. If operating system was not responsible/ were not responsible/ is not responsible for the management and coordination activities of the computer, it wouldn’t serve as an interface between hardware and user.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-23; Прочитано: 489 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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