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Ex.3. Complete the sentences. 1. Therefore, insurance company (оценщики), (сюрвейеры) and assessors try to place the insured person or institution in the same financial position after the

1. Therefore, insurance company (оценщики), (сюрвейеры) and assessors try to place the insured person or institution in the same financial position after the loss as he/ it was before it.

2. (Общая авария) means any extraordinary loss, damage or expenditure (понесенные) for the purpose of preventing all the interest imperilled – the ship, the (груз) and the freight.

3. The (сюрвейер) is examining the damage at the moment and no doubt will send a detailed report as soon as possible. He is also investigating (ящики) 20 and 21.

4. This was a CIF shipment and you (являетесь держателем) the insurance policy.

5. We would like you to send (замену) for the (поврежденным наименованиям) as soon as possible.

6. As this will nearly (исчерпает) the amount of the (страхового покрытия) under our policy No. 26534 we shall be glad if you (возобновить) this for a further €10,000.

7. I would therefore suggest a (таксированный) policy (против всех рисков) for which we can quote £4.35p%.

8. I note from the details attached to your letter that the net amount of the (счета-фактуры) is £22,000, and payment is by (аккредитивом).

9. We wish to renew our (генеральный полис) No.26534 on the same terms as before, to cover consignments of (текстильного оборудования) to Bombay and Melbourne.

10. The expenditure thus incurred will (подлежать оплате) by the ship, freight and cargo in proportion to their respective value, and we, as (диспашеры), have been appointed to prepare the necessary adjustment.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-23; Прочитано: 490 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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