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Heory of cognitive wealth (cognitive capitalism)

The theory of "Cognitive capitalism" asserts that cognitive ability is the crucial factor which creates wealth in modern economies, and that the geographical factors which have been necessary in ancient societies are no longer so important. The average cognitive ability of a nation determines its wealth, each IQ point increase boosting a country's average GDP by $229. Of even more significance, the IQ of the brightest 5% of people in the nation (the cognitive elite) boosts GDP by $468 per IQ point. The cognitive elite support general efficiency, technological innovation, efficient administration, independent institutions, and economic freedom. Via these factors intelligence and knowledge stimulate growth leading to national wealth, which in turn may boost cognitive ability in a virtuous circle. The theory was developed by the two psychologists Heiner Rindermann and James Thompson.[20] The theory is related to human capital theory.

[edit]Unified growth theory

Unified growth theory was developed by Oded Galor and his co-authors to address the inability of endogenous growth theory to explain key empirical regularities in the growth processes of individual economies and the world economy as a whole. Endogenous growth theory was satisfied with accounting for empirical regularities in the growth process of developed economies over the last hundred years. As a consequence, it was not able to explain the qualitatively different empirical regularities that characterized the growth process over longer time horizons in both developed and less developed economies. Unified growth theories are endogenous growth theories that are consistent with the entire process of development, and in particular the transition from the epoch of Malthusian stagnation that had characterized most of the process of development to the contemporary era of sustained economic growth.[21]

[edit]The big push

Theories of economic growth, the mechanisms that let it take place and its main determinants are abound. One popular theory in the 1940s, for example, was that of the "Big Push" which suggested that countries needed to jump from one stage of development to another through a virtuous cycle, in which large investments in infrastructure and education coupled with private investments would move the economy to a more productive stage, breaking free from economic paradigms appropriate to a lower productivity stage.[22]

Дата публикования: 2015-01-26; Прочитано: 338 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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